
Responses from eddy1

Decision Decision Decision between Cary and Audio Research Sound
Thank you very Sir.    Any other suggestions are welcome.   
Suggestion used tube amp between $1,500-2,000
Thank you. 
Any problem with Cary SLI-80 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER
Thank you. 
Suggestion used tube amp between $1,500-2,000
Thank you and now you makes me thinking again between Audio Research VS-55 with LS-7(sure will change to better preamp when I have more money) and Carry SLI-80!!!!!. Any other suggestion between this two options? 
Any problem with Cary SLI-80 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER
Do do guys think SLI-80 have enough power if I am going to use Triode mode for Sonus Faber Venere 2.5? I don’t really know the difference between Triode and Ultra-Linear but from my understanding that Triode is better, am I right? 
Any problem with Cary SLI-80 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER
Thank you so much. 
Any problem with Cary SLI-80 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER
Thank you very much. 
Any problem with Cary SLI-80 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER
Thank you everyone for the info.  The problem or issue that the guy wrote I think it was life of the tube is very shot and one other issue but I couldn't remember.  Regarding recap, if the used one is too old then I might do a new one.  But if one... 
Suggestion used tube amp between $1,500-2,000
I am using my old Acurus 200x3 amp that been on the shelf collecting dust right now.  And will replace my ADCOM preamp with the AR LS7 that will be here on Tuesday?  I was thinking to keep my speaker for a year and if you guys think that I should ... 
Suggestion used tube amp between $1,500-2,000
Thank you everyone for helpful suggestions.  LS7 I bought it used and it is on the way to me but if it is not good then I might try it for a week and will put it on eBay.  And will look for tube integrated amp.   
Speaker help under $2,500
Thank you. 
Speaker help under $2,500
Thank you very much everyone for your posted.  Learned a lot from your guys.  Happy new year everyone.  By the way, been breaking in Venere 2.5 about 10 hrs now.  First listening sound so bright and hope the brightness will come down.   
Speaker help under $2,500
ctsooner,  It was my mistake I told my wife that I really want Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 before I posted the question here and did not talk to her regarding speaker after that.  So I was looking to get a used Vandersteens 3 and told my wife about it ... 
Speaker help under $2,500
Thank you so much. 
What do I need to Stream online music?
Thank you so much for the info.