

Discussions ejlif has started

Changing racks from Grand Prix to home made??365212
Good optical cable44879
Good power conditioner for non dedicated line22634
Best way to couple monitor speakers to stands?472815
Dynaudio C-4 or Revel Salon 21749121
Switch from Parasound JC-1 to Bel Canto Ref 1000?2265636
How much improvement with better toslink cable?700815
Revel Salon 2 vs. Revel Studio 22395517
Does the Wadia 170i transport work with the iphone30502
How to manage a big itunes library?734432
itunes...do all versions sound the same???34968
Downgrading... Is it possible??? Suggestions1051718
Ayre K1X vs K1Xe1437213
cantelever not straight, advise please.775130
how to set speed with strobe and speed controller36699