Responses from elevick
Chord Hugo needs repairs in US Yep. Different voltages should not have the same size plugs but these do. My Sota is 24 volts. | |
What to do? Buy a new motherboard and rebuild? Or wait for failure? http://www.classicshell.net/ | |
Selling Advice Try us audio mart. | |
What to do? Buy a new motherboard and rebuild? Or wait for failure? I'm not a tech but I do use my pc constantly for streaming. Of course 7 is better than 10. I was forced to upgrade to a new pc but found a nice solution, Classic Shell. It allows things to at least "appear" to work like 7.My other very personal... | |
Audioengine B1 Bluetooth - Really Surprised GMZ, yep I'm still using my B1 and am happy. It is currently in my living room running the whole house and doing double duty to my Music Hall Receiver to another pair of Coincident speakers. | |
What should I use to convert FLAC files to AIFF? Freemake works and is "free" | |
New home power protection? I have a whole house surge and an extra grounding rod. The whole house surge will help to stop a huge hit. However, the power it takes to trip the surge is huge. A hit will still get partially through. Even with the whole house unit you will s... | |
the nordost blue heaven power cord It made a difference in my system. I have heard a lot of a/b comparisons and for the money the Blue Heaven is well worth it. | |
Netflix audio quality playback does not compare to DVD or Blu-ray disks! As a treat VUDU is amazing quality and you just pay as you use. | |
Magnavox PP EL84 Amp question Why screw them in? I use isoblocks all the time. They never move. Enjoy the amp-amazing, smooth sound that will last decades more. | |
Speakers for restaurant EV 40 are great. They are internally fused to keep people from blowing them. Personally, I hate hot spots for sound. Anyone sitting under the single large Mackie or JBL will go deaf while others barely hear them. I like to put them all around.... | |
Help finding me an amp for my Revel Ultima Salon 2s I love Class A amps. Sounds like you do as well. However, they are not my amp of choice for the Revels. You need BIG power. Try something with at least 200 wpc, personally I would either double that or biamp. Bryston??? | |
Advice on compensating for hearing loss My 84 year old dad said headphones make it much clearer. However, he hates wearing them. He just blasts the Zvox sound base.Have you tried the mono switch on your arcam? That should help until you find a matching center. | |
Tidal, Deezer to answer some of the questions:Metadata-who cares. I'm listening, not lookingWhy download/offline-I travel a heck of a lot. Can't get data at 30k feet or when driving in the back country. Also, my turntable doesn't work in my car.Quality-it's ... | |
Anyone listening to the multichannel SACD’s ? I was listening to Norah Jones then Steely Dan while packing up my table to send in for upgrades. Multi channel quality is amazing. Some of the mixes can be really annoying when they move things too much.Tubular Bells to me is the reference stan... |