
Responses from elevick

Pre amp replacement?? Help
$2k is probably overkill when looking at the rest of your system.  I'm not trying to "knock" what you have, just keeping things balanced.You can get a heck of a lot of preamp for $1000 to $1500.  Make sure it has a phono pre built in.  Other thing... 
Pre amp replacement?? Help
Just image the compromises when building a $1000 pre-pro.  Now take that same budget to build a pure preamp.  I'm not knocking Sony ES.  They are nice.  You will be better served with a 2 channel system. 
Music Fidelity V-Link 192
A USB/SPDIF converter shouldn't have a big affect on your music.  If your DAC has one already built in then it's hard to conceive that an external one would do much better.  I moved up to a Chord Hugo-the difference was shockingly good.  I was usi... 
Music Fidelity V-Link 192
If your v90 has USB input then the Vlink won't do anything more for you.  I have the 96 and 192 and honestly hear no difference.  However, I went with a higher end DAC and heard a whole new level of detail... 
Replacing my MFA Luminescence B2 preamp
It doesn't get much better than MFA.  The phono sections are amazing.  Tubes do need a bit of attention.  If you want plug and play, go solid state.  Threshold or Pass from that era will sound great and not have tubes.To me the Wadia seems like th... 
Pre amp replacement?? Help
If you aren't using it for theater there is a lot wasted in the pre-pro.  A dedicated 2 channel pre would be an improvement.  I'm guessing that since your table isn't really working that you either use radio or digital?  If you need a tuner then l... 
Pre amp replacement?? Help
The Sony is 15 years old.  DACs have come a long way.  If you use this for theater, you really need 3 matching front speakers.  The Mirage or HPM can be saved for rears.  Your Carver could work fine depending on the speakers.  Also many pre-pro's ... 
What’s in a watt
So, I had a similar issue:  Mac Amp, Coincident speakers, Oppo 105 (that works flawlessly.The big difference is that I use a pre-pro.  My Emotiva has a great pass through feature.  When it's off, the source, satellite, goes directly through the TV... 
Counterfeit DL103?
Invictus, tsk tsk.  You need to think before you type, PLEASE. 
How to connect a subwoofer into a mono block system
REL makes a great sub that gets its signal from the speaker leads.  It has jumper wires that plug into your speaker terminals with the wires from the amp.  These are very low level taps and won't affect your amp at all. 
Some Basic Center Channel speaker reccomendaitons
Unless you find a center that is voiced the same, it's not worth it.  So, either find a smaller pair of ADS with the same tweeter and mid, have one built or don't use a center.  You can save $600 and set your pre on phantom mode. 
Which books OR online courses are best for Audio Industry
Crowhurst on amp design 
Advice for killer desktop speakers
You did say "killer", correct?  I put a pair of single driver speakers right in front of my desk and get amazing full range with imaging.  Merrill Zigmahornets for me but anything similar will do that has the drivers at ear height.  Don't forget t... 
When to replace preamp tubes?
Preamp tubes rarely blow.  They just fade away...If they lose dynamics or get microphonic it maybe time.  A tube tester is a must or find a local shop with a tester. 
Add streamer with quality sound to system for Tidal and portable drive
If you are only streaming Tidal, you can use your phone.  I have a Chord Hugo with bluetooth.  Easy to use and amazing sound.