
Responses from elevick

Tube rolling advice-Manley Stingray-Help?
Sorry to be slow, but my reason on Telefunken 12at7:The are full bodied, I haven't found any weaknesses in the bottom or top ends, they run virtually forever and really don't color the sound. The GE's really rock but aren't as musical. Mullards ma... 
Hanging Speakers from the Ceiling... Macrame???
I would be concerned about speaker movement.....A lot of bass may make them sway while giving no bass at all. Commercially, many clubs use "all thread" to hang speakers. This is a giant threaded pole about 3/8" in diameter that will mount to the c... 
Budget amps that can hold their own.
See if you can find an Anthem 40watt/ch tube amp! 
Tube rolling advice-Manley Stingray-Help?
My preferences for el84's are Mullard first, telefunken 7189 next(ggreat substitute with more dynamics)and last would be amperex bugle boys.Telefunken 12at7's are unbeatable. 
Hum or buzz through speakers
I love the Golden Dragon 6922's. They are great for the money or for any value. I've been using GD 6922's for about 5 years now and love them. The 12ax7's are quite good also. Very reliable, clean and unbiased sound. 
I need a quiet tube amp
I agree with Marakanetz. What are you doing making a 300b work so hard. You should be looking at something with more like 100 watts/channel. Much of your noise is from having the volume so high. I'll bet these amps are silent on a 94db speaker????... 
Best of both worlds?? Dreaming perhaps??
I second the anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Stepping up from Rega 25 - suggest used turntable?
I don't know why, but used SOTA tables sell at huge discounts. These are awesome and for $500 to $1000 used, you can't beat it. 
i need a 3 channel amp for B&W's HTM1 & 805N's....
Many a/b amps operate in class A for the first 10 or 20 watts only. After that they are in class B only. (some verify this please). If you listen quietly, it may be noticable. The downside of pure class A amps is the heat and usually a lower outpu... 
Speaker selection for difficult room conditions
Spend some the the $4k budget on room treatments! 
Best speaker for $1500???, Have Cary SLI-80
Coincident Speakers are extremely tube friendly (92 to 102db depending on the model). They don't miss a beat! 
Any Experience with Anthem Products?
I love my AVM-2. If I had the $$$ I would upgrade to the 20 without auditioning anything else. For the money, nothing else competes. You can pick up a used avm-2 for under 1k, and probably 2k for an avm-20. Go for it, you won't be sorry.Also, I re... 
Tuff decision, need help
1-The golds shouldn't need a sub. If the bass is getting muddy, I would guess that the amp isn't up to the task or like stated above it could be speaker placement.2-By using the speaker level inputs to the sub and from the sub to the speakers shou... 
No sound from left channel on power amp
Contact Aragon. The customer service is great. They sent me fuses for free a couple of years ago. 
A pre-amp with multiple simultaneous outputs.
I would really suggest a pre-amp with multi-zone capabilities. If theater isn't involved, the adcom is a really inexpensive option. Be careful with home theater receivers with multi-zone outputs, many don't do everything you want. Niles makes a mu...