
Responses from elevick

Speakers for a small room, looking for feedback
Don't go with a rear ported speaker.Something like soliloquy sat-5's or vienna acoustics would work great even against the wall. 
Great detail, refinement, mid-price office system?
What tubes are your using? 
Tubes - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
For great reading, go to www.sonicfrontiers.com and read about the history of tubes! 
VA Haydn or Solilouy 5.0??
1-Bookshelf speakers are a little small for that room if you are putting them on a bookshelf. Stand mounting would be much better.2-If you are putting them on a bookshelf, go for Sat-5's instead of 5.0's. The 5.0's are rear ported and need at leas... 
1 big sub or 2 small?
Thanks for the input. That 10" Energy seems to be looking better every minute! 
Tube brightness and bias
First of all, if the tubes are glowing hotter (probably blue), shut it off. This is probably a bias problem. You are killing the tubes if burning too hot.Even if it is simply a bias problem, you should have a tech do the biasing. His hourly rate i... 
SE Tube Amps
go to www.sonicfrontiers.comThey have some great reading about the history of tubes..... 
Tubes for UNICO Amplifier
Buy a pair of telfunken 12au7's and never worry again? 
How to add to my 2-chanl int. amp for home theater
I just did this for my brother's proceed/logan system. Get a decent receiver like a denon 2804 and use the center & rear amps as normal. For R&L, use the pre-amp outs from the receiver to any inputs in the integrated. Hook up the dvd to th... 
Placement for Soliloquy speakers
Didactically-NICE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!! 
Toslink Survey / Please Participate
Consider the care in which manufacturers take with toslink vs rca. Most toslinks are cheap plastic and usually only 1 or 2. Manufacturers seem to take more care and pride in putting in an RCA/Coax digital for every input-usually gold plated. This ... 
How do you fix an ''out of print'' scratched CD ?
Go to best buy or similar and buy a disc cleaning/scratch removing kit. They help.Otherwise, very fine polishing compounds like jewelers rouge (I thinks that's how to spell rouge?). Very fine polishing compound for cars will work great too. Keep i... 
Tubed-amp power-supply question
Herman, Awesome answer! 
Classe or McIntosh
Old mac isn't what it's hyped up to be. Repairs are a lot, the sound isn't great and they aren't the best looking. I'd rather take the same money and buy newer quicksilver monos. 
Downsize my HT advice House to Apt.......
If space is a premium, look for speakers that can be placed against a wall or on a book shelf with no adverse effects.I can't say that my soliloquy sat-5's are in the same ball park as my coincident conquests. However, they are not ported and were...