
Responses from elevick

Analog under 2k?
Used Sota tables seem to go for way too little. You can usually pick up a $2500 table for around $700. 
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done?
You really shouldn't consider anything less than 100 watts/channel. However, to really make maggies sing, you should look for at least double that. Would you consider a hybrid like a moscode(tube gain, solid state output)? Regardless, be prepared ... 
Sonus Faber - Final and difficult choice
Brunogolf has a great point. It may simply be that your amp isn't the greatest choice for the speakers. Try more power or bi-amping.The other possibility to get into some really nice powered subs. A Janis 1/A & W3sbu was designed for people wi... 
Moving Out of Matrix 805's
Coincident Triumphs? 
When to replace tubes on a CD player?
If they were new when you put them in, they should last 5000 to 10,000 hours! That's a lot of years. Newbee's response is what to look for in the future. 
Tube integrated amp for my son's first system.
Wow, I don't think a vintage fisher or scott would cut it for a 10 year old. They may sound great but are delicate and don't play loud. Kids will be kids and do something stupid and blow the amp.How about a neat solid state amp and tube pre to get... 
Pr of HK Cit22s in bridged mono to drive AR9s?
I agree with Sean. You will blow your citations by driving them with 1/2 the impedance they can handle. The decible gain from 200 watts to 400 watts is only 3db. So, if you try running the 9's with one amp and it doesn't cut it, you probably won't... 
Electro Statics for rears only?
I think they will make an awful match to the Paradigms. Scripts are quite nice in the right environment only. I personally don't want a surround with pinpoint imaging. That means that only 1 person can sit in the "sweet spot". Tonally, they are wo... 
Dynaco ST-70 and Magneplanar 1.6QR
Maggies need much more power. You could try a good powered sub. If you run from the pre-amp to the sub to the amp, you can filter out all signals below a certain level (100hz?) which will greatly alleviate the strain on the 70. According to Janis ... 
Upgrade Path: CDP or Preamp
The Denon is a solid unit. Why not try a d/a converter. I think the denon has a digital out? You can get a nice little d/a for $250 to $500. Using the denon with a d/a would equal many $1000 players for less money and give you some flexibility. 
full range output for 2 channel
It depends on the receiver's LFE circuit. However, yes you will lose some bass. 
Replace my reciever acting as a pre with???
Having owned most of what you are discussing, my answer is definitely YES. The 220o doesn't even have gold plated jacks, I think? You should be able to sell the 2200 for more than $300 I would hope.Adcom, B&K, Parasound, Marantz and more offer... 
About Tubes.........
It's a no brainer to replace with Mullards if you have the money. However, some inexpensive tubes can sound good. Svetlana and Shugang will be an improvement over basic sovtek or chinese tubes.Some EL34s will handle a little more voltage than othe... 
Connecting CD directly to Poweramp
If I'm correct, the Tjoeb is based on the Marantz CD. The volume control stinks but the sound is nice. I wouldn't bother modifying the unit for a lower voltage. The volume is still very cheaply done and won't allow for "infinite" control-simply to... 
Help with Dish Network 301
Get a used 500 series. That should have digital out. Why mod a cheapo unit? Upgrading should cost less than having your unit modified. It may pay to ask dishnetwork what it will cost to upgrade. You can always cancel and then sign up again under s...