
Responses from elevick

Best CD/DVD Player with "Variable audio Output"
Marantz stinks. Denon & Sony ES work fine. 
Beating a dead horse - Pre with Pass-Thru
Try a used Anthem AVM-2. Amazing sound, lots of balanced inputs and a bypass. You can pick one up for around $1100 used. Soncically this theater pre is amazing. It is very flexible and the bypass makes a noticable difference. I'm sure there are mo... 
Need Help on Tube Rolling for VAC Avatar
www.tubesandmore.com, www.upscaleaudio.com, www.jeffsoundvalues.com, www.tubeworld.com (pricey), www.tubeman.com, www.thetubestore.comI personally like Golden Dragon (high end chinese) & svetlana (russian) for new tubes and old stock I like Mu... 
ideas on all the mods offered on jolida amps
Remember, the more mods you do, the harder it is to resell. Try rolling tubes first. The stock ones are not so great. Try new svetlana or Golden Dragon or old stock telefunken or Mullard. 
sonus faber auditor vs 804
Regardless of what you do, DO NOT MIX your fronts and centers if you can. If your budget is limited, get 805's with the matching center.Why worry about the deep bass the speakers produce. If this will be through a nice theater processor, you will ... 
Four front main speakers for 2 channel listening?
I agree with Newbee. 
Ported Speakers and Tube Amps??
I'm using ported Coincident speakers (92db) with an SET amp. Works great! flat 8 ohms, easy to drive, really tight bass. 
CDP connected Directly to amp with variable ctrl
If I'm correct, the ah is based on a marantz cdp. With that said, marantz volumes are not so good. They jump too much in steps and always revert back to a fixed level when turned off. You need in infinitely variable volume control, not one with 6-... 
Lazarus Cascade Basic Preamp - Tube question
What tubes are in it now? Appearantly you have not tested them. It appears that you don't want to use the phono stage. If that assumption is true, you can see if the phono tubes are stronger (which they probably are). If that's true, just switch t... 
Opinions about modifying an older preamp
Personally, I would compare buying a used high end pre-amp to the cost of buying and upgrading an old unit. You can get something like a Sumo Athena for around $250 and it will blow away almost anything solid state that you are considering. 
Spica TC-50 or Vandersteen 1b/1c or ?
You will gain both bass and highs with the Vandersteens. The TC-50 has great imaging, nice mids but nothing else. You will also hear great improvements by upgrading an old NAD. The Fisher should sound great assuming it works well.My only qualm abo... 
tube suggestions for cj MV50?
Anything is an upgrade from Sovtek. I am surprised that Svetlanas burned out so soon. My current set get used about 10 hours a week and is 3 years old. They still test over 85%. The Svetlanas were designed to copy Mullard. If you liked the sound b... 
Female Vocalist like Diana Krall, Jacintha.
Ricki Lee Jones. Pop Pop is awesome! 
How much power/channel for multi-channel amp?
Funny, but I have a 2.1 also and really like it. $499.You need to consider your room size and efficiency.Keep this in mind:86db, 1 watt89db, 2 watts92db, 4 watts95db, 8 watts98db, 16 watts101db, 32 watts104db, 64 watts107db, 128 watts110db, 256 wa... 
Good speaker wire limited budget Spica Angelus
NO. The lower the better (ie 12 gauge is much thicker than 18). You should use at minimum 18 gauge. 12, 14 or 16 would be better.Honestly though, Spicas aren't known for bass. I just did a testing with a pair and the imaging and mids were great bu...