
Discussions erik_squires has started

Open Baffle Experience16622157
You had Theta in the past, what did you move onto?467014
Boutique caps in oil... reliable? 344836
Ferrus, Mytek, gossip please15392
Custom sub integrator12881
Duelund JDM Cu Caps - Opinions16053
Experienced only: What have you done with room correction? 466142
Pleasurably better, not measurably better422292
Halloween Topic - Musicians and deals with the Devil9069
1992 Stereophile on speaker placement should be required reading13149
How buying a car can help you be a better audiophile8215
Maybe this is the winter you build something! 210646
Dedicated AC Circuits: It's not the noise, it's the upstream problems148514
Many of us want to Changegrade instead of Upgrading190017
How Audiphiles are Different650965