
Discussions erik_squires has started

Audio and the acoustic therapy of spaces14975
Dark Side of the Moon - Is MFSL really all that? 1949234
MQA - Music Discussion546748
Yo Yo Ma - Leningrad - Rococo variations on a theme11812
Two experiments in acoustics for fun14193
Classical CD Box Sets545615
Would you go all 1 brand for electronics?577285
Streaming DSD from Linux - Not as hard as I thought!42079
Used Pre - Ayre, Pass or Para JC2?429513
MQA - All the Gory details over at Stereophile26727
DSD vs. PCM vs. MQA - Group listening experiment3081760
Please Support Music Education245350
SB Touch + KDFC Classical - 23/44.1kHz ? - Is that even possible?16150
MQA - One Filter to Rule them All?485222
What happened to Berkeley Audio Design886524