
Responses from erik_squires

Please Help!! looking to get into computer audio.
To make some terms more clear, and take them out of vendor-speak we are talking about the differences between Asynchronous USB (A-USB) and Asynchronous Sample Rate Conversion (ASRC).  Usually vendors will call ASRC something like upsampling and re... 
Shiit yggdrasil
I really likes the Ayre CD player and QB9 except when drivwn by a mac.  The Schiit is one of the few dacs that sounds good despite being mac driven.Best,Erik 
Please Help!! looking to get into computer audio.
Um, no you dont, but im not intersted in the argument.   
Please Help!! looking to get into computer audio.
dtc Upsampling is no panacea. Its much better to get an outboard asynch USB converter than to rely on upsampling.  PCs are not real time systems.  synchronous usb is very high in jitter which can be made a little better by Asynch. Sample Rate Conv... 
LightSpeed USB 2.0 cable
The theory is great, but several have reported signal drop outs for unknown reasons.  Make sure you can return them if they dont work.  An oddity is that they are USB powered.  I might have designed them to take external power to ensure reliabilit... 
Best Small Floorstanding Speaker under $2K
Monitor Audio Silver series  
Please Help!! looking to get into computer audio.
The W4S micro Link ( uLink ) however is asynch, and USB 2.0 audio compliant. You can put that between a PC and the Bryston to get much better USB output. I think Byrston eventually released a middle piece too, the Player.  Overpriced IMHO .Best,Erik 
Please Help!! looking to get into computer audio.
No, the Byrston's input is not asynch, but the Oppo 105 (not 103 :( ) is. You could go USB to Oppo 105 to SPDIF 
Need advice
The Mytek Stereo 192 is like $1k right now direct. 
Subwoofer hunt
I use a miniDSP HD for my sub, works great and integrated with OmniMic fantastically. Also work very well with Room EQ Wizard. The usual issues are users trying to EQ for flat instead of a descending (1-1.5 db/octave) slope, and complaining it sou... 
Audio Research PH5 Phono Preamplifier Input Clipping Problem
Hi Scott!The main reason for a SUT is to give the preamp enough voltage. It sounds like both are already too much, so technically you don't seem to require one.If you just like the sound, to warm up what you hear, you may want to use a 1:1 isolati... 
Please Help!! looking to get into computer audio.
I think that my next steps are to use a Linux PC with SqueezeLite and the Logitech Media Server 7.9. Why? It now streams DSD via USB 2.0. :) And I already have the PC there for media and games. If this works out I'll move my SB Touch to the bedroom.  
Which Speaker System ?
ARC did make a multichannel preamp, but I believe it is long gone. The remaining reasonably available high-end preamp is the Parasound Halo P7 with 2 7.1 inputs. A lot of high end 2-channel preamps have "bypass" mode though, which let's you use an... 
Modern Tannoy, are they good?
Isn't Tannoy about to close?  :(  Not that it makes any difference to the quality of their speakers, I am just sad to see another great British brand go away. B&W got purchased by a Silicon Valley start-up. Expect to see more thermostats with ... 
Why do almost all women today hate home audio?
Honestly, and I'm going to get a lot of hate, so I dare only say this while a political convention is going on in the hopes that anyone reading this will have their bile already spent! :)I think it's what men are listening to. Women LOVE listening...