Please Help!! looking to get into computer audio.

I am looking into exploring the computer audio format, I am a long time audio enthusiast. My Digital front end currently consists of a Oppo bd103 and a Bryston Bda 1 , I currently have the capability to stream my itunes library from my computer via bluetooth to my oppo player , but the sound quality is not up to my standards. Any suggestions on how to increase the sound quality would be great. Please consider that i am a newbie to this and a little confused with the formats of computer audio. Any solution would be appreciated thanks. I have been looking at the w4s remedy and or Blink or recovery. I am also considering just getting a wadia 171 ipod transport and just using my ipod. confused and not sure which route to take for best sound qaulity.

The USB input on the Bryston BDA-1 is the weak link, it is not asynchronous. I use a USB/SPDIF converter into one of the many digital inputs. 
No, the Byrston's input is not asynch, but the Oppo 105 (not 103 :( ) is. You could go USB to Oppo 105 to SPDIF
The W4S micro Link ( uLink ) however is asynch, and USB 2.0 audio compliant. You can put that between a PC and the Bryston to get much better USB output. 

I think Byrston eventually released a middle piece too, the Player.  Overpriced IMHO .


mensch - The BDA-1 usb is not as much of an issue as you might since the unit upsamples everything using it own timing chip.  I suggested trying usb as a start and then also considering a usb to S/PDIF converter. My point was to try that first, rather than follow the multiple suggesting to complete change the system. Small steps when getting starting is often a good course of action.