
Responses from everest_audio

Focal Utopia monitors: Diablo vs. Micro Be
Jkuc. English isn't the first language of every contributor here. It's not too hard, for most of us, to figure out what Elviukai is trying to say. 
bel canto dac 3 cd 2 owners
I imagine that the cost of having one output vs the three outputs that exist on the VBS1 wouldn't be that much less. You still have the component chassis and all the same technology employed, so I wouldn't think that the savings would be that much... 
$4000 to Spend on Amp, Preamp and USB DAC
Considering what you want to do and your budget, a high quality DAC with volume control directly to a power amp would most likely work very well for you. Some of the previous suggestions of Bel Canto and Wyred4Sound are along the lines of what I'm... 
bel canto dac 3 cd 2 owners
The VBS1 definitely takes performance to a higher level as well it should considering its price. That's not to say that the LNS1 isn't good, because it is, but the VBS1 is a lot better. 
BelCanto DAC3 -Audio Research DAC7 comparisons?
The upgrade to DAC3.3 will give you the same sound quality as the DAC3.5VB, but you won't have the new display, you won't have a set of analogue inputs, but I can't remember what happens with the USB input vs the ST Fibre input on the new DAC. The... 
bel canto dac 3 cd 2 owners
Good description Chris. It matches my feelings as well. I'm a big fan of the DAC3.5VB/VBS1 combo and have been using it ever since the DAC3.5VB became available in my system. I use it as a front-end/preamp going directly into a power amp. I am a B... 
The CD player is dead.......
For me, streaming from my computer to a Logitech Duet to my DAC was inferior to using a CD/DVD player into the same DAC spinning a standard CD. Sure, the computer approach was convenient, but it didn't deliver the sonics I wanted. Now, I fully rea... 
B&W 804s vs Usher Dance Mini-One
You said you'd like to "futureproof" a bit, so between the BE-718 and the Mini Dancer One, I'd definitely go with the MD1. It does extend a little bit deeper and is more room filling, but more importantly, it sounds better than the BE-718, IMHO. P... 
B&W 804s vs Usher Dance Mini-One
I think the Usher is a nice step up, but you can take that with a grain of salt if you want as I am an Usher dealer. Both the Mini Dancer One and the BE-718 will push the limits of that room, but it can work. I've used both in my room which is 11.... 
Bel Canto DAC3 or Cambridge Audio 840C?
Being a Bel Canto dealer and an Usher dealer and also being a former Cambridge dealer, I feel quite confident in the pairing of your equipment with the Bel Canto DAC3. The bonus, with the DAC3 is that you can simplify your system if you have all d... 
Anyone compared Mystere vs Cary integrateds?
There's a bit of a comparison in this review:http://www.mystere-usa.com/admin/uploadfolder/shimon_buzaglo_may_2009_english.pdfI've been considering picking up the Mystere line, so I've been looking through Mystere reviews online lately. 
Bel Canto S300 driving Gallo 3.1s
Marty, you should really fix the volume at 100 on your CD-2 so it is outputting its maximum voltage at all times. Turn the CD-2's volume up to 100 then press in the button at the back to fix the volume. That way you're not adjusting two volume con... 
Pat Metheny - One Quiet Night
I'm not really much of a Pat Metheny fan, but I love "One Quiet Night". The recording quality is outstanding as well. 
ProAc D28 vs Usher Dancer Mini 2
Usher isn't claiming the domes to be pure diamond domes. Here's some info from their site:"...laminated diamond-metal-diamond structure, which consists of a proprietary metal alloy base layer coated with an amorphous diamond-like carbon layer (pur... 
Class "D" amp? I do not have a clue. Do you?
I'm a fan of Class D for sure. It can be done very well, but not all are created equal. Definitely add Chapter Audio to the list of incredible sounding Class D. It's one of the Class D brands not as well known in North America. Disclosure: I'm a d...