
Responses from everest_audio

Best beer
Tmsorosk, there must be something other than the big breweries in Alberta. Considering there are some good ones in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, you'd think there should be some in Alberta for sure. In Saskatchewan, there are very nice ones from Bush... 
$2000-$3000 integrated with DAC ???
The C7R is 60W per channel into 8 ohms. 
Any Integrated Amps w/Phono & 100-200 Watts Power?
I'm sure the VAC integrated would be excellent, but it is nowhere near the price point he is asking. 
Any Integrated Amps w/Phono & 100-200 Watts Power?
Roksan Kandy K2. Excellent sounding phono stage for an integrated amp at that price point. 125W per channel into 8 ohms conservatively.Disclosure: I am a Roksan dealer. 
What would you upgrade next if you had my hifi ?
I noticed right away that your TV seemed to be at an optimal height. I'd say the vast majority of screens are mounted way too high. Nicely done. Of course, nice system too. 
Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........
Eddie Vedder - Ukulele Songs. Really liking this one a lot! 
I looking at Usher Tiny Dancer One, power?
I'm assuming you mean the Mini Dancer One. Don't look at the power ratings. They can handle plenty of power. 250W is a very nice match for the Mini Dancer One. In my opinion, it is a superior speaker to the BE-718, but the improvements are certain... 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
Sorry, Lloydelee21, but "quite a good price" doesn't matter when it's not the right speaker for the room. That speaker is just too much for his room. 
Harmonic Technology Truth Link RCA
Most locking RCAs tend to work this way, but not all. I do wish they were all the same. It would sure make things easier. 
Do powercords make a difference in sound?
I sell aftermarket power cables because I absolutely feel they make a difference. However, how much of a difference they make is very system dependent. In my system, which is quite resolving, they actually make less of a difference than in some ot... 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
In my opinion, the 801D is too much speaker for your room. The 802D is probably too much for the room as well. 
Integrated amp for Eben X3
A number of years back at CES, the Eben X-Centric speakers (from the same line as the X3), were driven by Chapter. It worked very well. It was my first exposure to both brands. Since then, I've had some experience with Eben speakers and have also ... 
How far off are wireless audiophile speakers?
I still take issue with the term wireless, because it's still not a wireless system. You still need to plug in the speakers into an electrical outlet. That might end up being more difficult and unsightly than speaker wires and still not as good. 
Better XLR's
It would be interesting to compare the Cardas Clear XLR vs the Xhadow Precision XLR. Xhadow claims these to be "easily the finest XLR in the world". Who knows.http://www.xhadow.com/page3.html 
Your impressions on Paradigm Studio 60 v5?
My customer didn't necessarily hear those things either until he heard something better and then definitely noticed what I was talking about. To each his own though. If you like your Studio 60 v5, then enjoy and don't worry about what others say. ...