Responses from fbgbill
Plastic sleeves for cd's... Since most of my cd's are i jewel cases, any new ones that come in cardboard I put them in jewel cases and cut the cardboard to fit tin the case as well or at lease to show what is in there. A case of jewel cases from Amazon is cheap. | |
McIntosh Meter I must admit I have a problem and am addicted to McIntosh meters...! The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.🤨 | |
Frampton Acoustic Classics It is an expensive vinyl set as well. I tried to buy it on eBay and quit when the bidding got to $55. The cd is not much cheaper. I will keep looking. Thanks for the recommendation. | |
McIntosh C22 (old & new) vs C2600 You cannot go wrong with the 2600. I had one for a few years and sold it for what I paid for it to get the 2700. No reason for the upgrade, just want too. | |
Furutech Mains Power Cables Hierarchy & Differences I built my own power cables with Furutech components. The main cables to my power conditioner and then to my mono blocks are the DPS-4.1 + FI-50 (R) NCF and all of the other cables are FP S022N + FI-11M-N1. I used expandable covering I got off Ama... | |
Best Forum to hear experienced audiophiles exchange thoughts? @mahgister I must say mahgister that you are not a man of few words. Good to see you back sir. | |
Can I Trust The Music Room's Product Description? I have sold two units to TMR and they have been nothing but honest in their dealings. They send you a shipping label and pay you very quick. | |
Best Forum to hear experienced audiophiles exchange thoughts? As some others have suggested, Audio Aficionado is a very good forum. There is a lot less drama and some very friendly and knowledgeable folks there. | |
Anyone else feel like they are “transported” INTO the music I would say yes. Certain albums really have that effect on me. | |
Your audiophile chair I have a Tyler Roll Arm Recliner in leather from Pottery Barn with an Irving Storage Ottoman in the same leather. They are great together. | |
millercarbon The one thing that I remember about millercarbon was when someone had asked a question and MC gave one of his technical responses and the individual kept asking questions from the forum. MC responded that if "you are not gong to take my advice the... | |
Advice on how to liquidate system As many others have said, do not sell. If it were me in your shoes and I sold my system, I would immediately regret my decision. | |
Hearing Aids in 2023 .. Questions I have had very loud tinnitus for many years. I have worn aids for about 15 years now. Do the aids help with the tinnitus? Not as far as I know but I can understand speech better and I have a TV unit that feeds my aids. As soon as my insurance car... | |
Any Thoughts? @thecarpathian Nope Billy dont do shell fish | |
Any Thoughts? @thecarpathian Well then why are they referred to as mud bugs...! Asking for a friend!!! Regardless I still aint eatin them. |