
Discussions fjn04 has started

Adding a maple platform to an existing wood rack474013
picked up Steely Dan : Can't buy a Thrill on ABC732313
Shelby Lynn: Just a Little Lovin LP31969
Please simplify Disc Doctor Cleaner w/ VPI 16.537626
Cowboy Junkies: Trinity Sessions on Vinyl618316
Best way to get accurate rake angle on speakers124865
Cowboys Junkies: playing live in my area24287
Which Beach Boys LP after Pet Sounds343420
Whats on your TT tonight 201039337
The better Led Zeppellin live recordings on vinyl.336316
Saw the Gregg Allman band last night.265211
Neil Young/ CSN new vinyl releases427214
CJ MV-55/60 comparison VS. Quickie Mid Monos94471
Shindo pre w/ Quicksiler amps a good match913313
height to hand absorption foam panels28316