
Responses from flaxxer

Cables ... no longer opinion
Nope. The science is solid as it gets. No opinions necessary either way. Just the science. Goertz is NOT foil. It is very thick conductors in loose sleeves. Not a good example. Goertz is what has caused a lot of system mis matches.  
Cables ... no longer opinion
My lord .... I just did a Google search on foil speaker cables. At one time, only Magnan made them while Downsize did. Now there are a slew of foil cables, including DIY websites. Word MUST have got out. I read a few articles and reviews .... almo... 
Cables ... no longer opinion
As far as my sloppy writing style ... did I mention I used to listen to music really loudly? LOLProbably scrambled my memory of writing classes. Yes, we had those 45 years ago, lol. 
Cables ... no longer opinion
No prob, millercarbon. I'm in California. In the 90s, I sold high end audio for years. Suits and ties.We stocked Townshend products after a Rep tried to sell us on the newest snake oil ... until he left a seismic sink for us to play with. I threw ... 
Cables ... no longer opinion
@Paul and Ozzy. Josh closed Downsize, because he made the funds he needed to accomplish a financial goal. He also used to send out cables for testing. After losing a pair of very special silver/gold foil speaker cables to a well respected speaker ... 
Cables ... no longer opinion
Just for the record, Max Townshend is a hero to me. I used his seismic sinks in the early 90s with great results, under a Linn lp12. In my opinion, his speaker isolation platforms are the best product ever designed as an accessory. Accelerometers ... 
Cables ... no longer opinion
@djones51 .... you can make a set of foil cables for under $50. I would definitely try it, if you're ever looking for different speakers cables. 
Cables ... no longer opinion
@millercarbon ... yes, I have an agenda against Max, LOL. I simply was trying to link the article PS audio provided. I was not trying to discredit Max for God's sakes. I own quite a bit of Townshend Audio products. I'm not trying to sell anything.... 
Cables ... no longer opinion
@mastering92 ... ALL cables are filters. And all cables can be used to tailor sound to a system. In the 80s and 90s, high-end equipment was not so neutral. We depended on cables to bring them into neutrality. The Stacked foil cables are simply LES... 
Help wiring Icepower amplifiers please
I believe I understand the manual now. It offers two different grounding schemes. I do not understand why they would offer the second one, with the backplate already grounded. I guess that is why I am not an Electronics guy. I think I messed up as... 
Help wiring Icepower amplifiers please
The chassis is connected to AC earth ground via the screws into the amps grounded heat shield base. THAT is why I don't understand why I would need any extra grounds. 
DAC as a preamp?
@unsound ... I made my decision to buy a separate preamp, based solely on user reviews which concurred the D90 sounds better when used as a DAC only, bypassing the volume controls. 
DAC as a preamp?
Just wanted to thank all the people who have helped so much. I just purchased a topping pre90. We'll see how it works out. 
DAC as a preamp?
What is really neat about this solution, is that it is the exact same size and look as the topping D90 I just received in the mail yesterday. They even make a two shelf rack that would fit these perfectly. 
DAC as a preamp?
I’m going to sell my Focal Flax speakers I haven’t used in years, and buy something I’ll use now. I think I’ll get the Pre90, and justify it with the knowledge some of it was paid with the sale. What makes this funny is, I just found them in the b...