Responses from fleschler
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer... That is why when my Benz Ruby 3 goes down due to a worn stylus I won't rebuild it at Soundsmith. Friends have informed me that the cartridge I get back won't be the same, probably worse sounding, azimuth off, different stylus shape, etc.However, ... | |
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer... Cardas still sells the Benz Ruby (don't know which version) as a Cardas Myrtle Heart and Cardas Silver Heart cartridge on their website http://cardas.com/cartridge.php These are new cartridges. I really like my Benz Ruby 3 because it balances t... | |
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer... Chakster - I use a 12 year old Benz Ruby 3. Is that considered a vintage cartridge today? I had a Dynavector Ruby 23r back in its day. It was both relatively neutral and erred on the warm side (but I really liked it). Then I got the original K... | |
Can you live with your current speaker until you die? My Legacy Signature IIIs were purchased using a 16 watt Sherwood 7100 receiver (it killed his 200 watt Boulder amp due to an electrical mismatch with an his tube preamp). Also sounds dynamic with punchy bass using a Yamaha R620 30 watt receiver. ... | |
Tonearms: Ripoff? I really like the Thales concept. Does it have a similar sound as the SME IV or V is the question? I wonder if the bass is as robust with those narrow arms and more delicate looking rear assembly. Otherwise, I prefer it to the VPI unipivot arms. | |
Tonearms: Ripoff? Tom Port of Better Records recommends the Triplanar and uses one. My SME IV also has great bass, probably not as good as the Triplanar though. | |
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat jafreeman My amps were designed and rebuilt by Grover Huffman of GroverHuffman.com cable manufacturer. These were extensively rebuilt with few remaining parts/connectors. If you have read the forum posts by Oregonpapa (Frank), you would see tha... | |
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report I haven't heard the Legacy Focus SE, but know the problem I had for years with the original Focus speakers. There was insufficient damping material (dacron stuffing) behind the twin mid-ranges. Once I stuffed them nearly full, leaving a space fo... | |
Tonearms: Ripoff? I found this forum interesting because the Audiomods V reviewed here http://www.sixmoons.com/audioreviews/audiomods/4.html is compared to an SME (I didn't catch which one, or not specified). It was very clear as to the differences and most audio... | |
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat Unfortunately, there are no feet/footers on my amps. They were originally theater wall mounted horizontally into walls and gave off radiation (700+ volts). Modified (very highly), they have only 450v. and the chassis is made out of sheet metal. ... | |
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat jafreeman, the two on top and one under the Bryston IT works great. My amps are custom built and the Mat’s can’t go under (stillpoints under at a triangle too small for an E-Mat, with tubes sideways (too hot to place on top) with one side for fron... | |
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat Just one E-Mat over the main power panel greatly improves both picture and sound. A mid-fi Yamaha CR620 receiver hooked up to the TV output (good cabling though) and a pair of ADS L620 speakers with one E-Mat resulted in deeper, more detailed bass... | |
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene Graphene is being sold in bulk to specialty applications. In bulk, it 's relatively inexpensive. Here are three examplesGraphene in solution single layerhttps://www.amazon.com/Single-Layer-Graphene-Oxide-Aqueous-Dispersion/dp/B00EE0XPNQ/ref=sr_1... | |
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat amg56 What if the E-Cards technology is so simple and so safe that anyone could duplicate it, or maybe just simple enough for a company like Synergistic Research? I understand that could be the reason and reticence in releasing any more informatio... | |
The "how many reviews it got" rule XTAC speakers commentary on why they are unique and superior to ALL other speaker designs (per the manufacturer). https://audiomachina.com/xtac/commentary/ I’d love to hear speaker engineers/designers comment, especially on the Time/Amplitude equa... |