

Responses from folkfreak

Room Acoustics - Best way to cover a glass door?
This topic was well covered recently herehttps://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/acoustic-treatment-for-side-glass-doors-please-need-ideas 
SME Tonearm Question
These cables can be hard to find as they are not often well indexedif you can afford it this would be a great choice, I run the AQ WEL on my system at present (btw the asking price is $300-500 too high on this one, figure 30-40% of list for a used... 
SME Tonearm Question
Now that you’ve established that you were not short changed its worth knowing that the SME supplied cable , sourced from Van Den Hul, is widely unloved, often being perceived as thin and edgy. That was certainly my experience and I changed it for ... 
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
@audiopoint the time base on the scans I posted is 160mS hence the frequency of the main signal visible in the first scan is 10-12hz (depending on whether you think there are 1.5 or 2 cycles displayed) so I suspect this is not a power supply issue... 
ARC Ref 2SE phono is a good option. Readily available, well supported and good functionality  
Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil
@audiopoint if you take a look at my virtual system https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/5707#&gid=1&pid=31 (the V trace in the set of the graph traces from the accelerometers in my Herzan platform) you will see clear and compelling eviden... 
Insuring your Audio Room?
Nothing to add to the discussion of insuring the system -- other than to emphasize the point others have made that you need to ensure that you have sufficient "contents" coverage to cover the system -- many policies assume contents as a fixed % of... 
Where do I find the value of vintage audio equipment and best way to sell
... and even more comprehensive listings can be accessed via hifishark.com (look at the sold/expired listings tab)https://www.hifishark.com/model/dual-1229https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=Akai+1800dhttps://www.hifishark.com/model/sansui-qr-6500h... 
Female Vocal Collection on Vinyl??
I've seen a few of these on offer from Elusive Disc -- usually compilations from labels based in Asia ('tho the one below seems to be German) -- as a rule steer clear of compilations as you cannot guarantee what they used as sources -- seek out th... 
Mounting a tonearm over a hole designed for Rega-style tonearm
One easy solution is to make a new arm board plate with threaded holes for the Triplanar mounting that attaches on top of the existing arm board. You can see what these types of things look like in my system picturesThe challenge will then be to a... 
Looking for upgrade advice
No question, invest in an ultrasonic record cleaner using the solution suggested by pbnaudio in the following threadhttps://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/audio-desk-pro-vs-clear-audio-double-matrix/post?postid=14465... 
ARE DCS Dacs worth the high cost?
Well I might as well essay a serious response ...Answer is --- it depends, and all comes down to your system preferences. DCS DACs can perform superbly but they are hella sensitive to ancillaries -- this is more true of the multi part stacks and t... 
Would anyone like a tube hour counter for amps that don't have this function ?
Indeed, nothing should be in contact with glass during operation of vacuum tube -- NOTHING. Everything else, as noted shortens tube life...it's main contributing factor to short tube life (and maybe some extra ARC supplied tube sales as well so ai... 
Would anyone like a tube hour counter for amps that don't have this function ?
They were ARC supplied and installed tubes. Anyway I'm not terribly bothered as replacements are not too costly what bugs me more is the creeping degradation of performance in small signal tubes such that you're never sure if they are performing a... 
Would anyone like a tube hour counter for amps that don't have this function ?
I've been following the discussion of tube hours with some interest and wanted to share a recent surprising experience I had. I have ARC gear which counts hours and on my Ref 2SE phono have a set of tubes with 430 hours on it, well within the 3,00...