

Responses from fsonicsmith

Audio Research REF 80S Reviews/Comparisons
I owe ARC and Evan an apology. They are the best.   
The magic of outdoor listening
As a former bike racer I can tell you with a certainty that they are as reliable as fruit flies hovering over a piece of rotting durian.   
Audio Research REF 80S Reviews/Comparisons
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bxihgvsdvjdt2lg/IMG_1689%202.JPG?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/rjx5gh3oz4ma19f/IMG_1690%202.JPG?dl=0  
Audio Research REF 80S Reviews/Comparisons
BIF, thanks. I could be mistaken but I don't believe ARC has authorized repair facilities any more. And I don't mean to argue unnecessarily but I have the personal view that phase angle means far more than nominal impedance. "Nominal" has a meanin... 
Audio Research REF 80S Reviews/Comparisons
So I called and had a very pleasant conversation with Evan. I explained my situation. I asked for a schematic. He asked someone else while I held and said "yes, we can send you the schematic". I gave him my email. Hours passed. Nothing. So I wrote... 
Audio Research REF 80S Reviews/Comparisons
@bifwynne 1) What did you end up doing with your 150 SE? Once repaired I need to decide if it worth selling them or just hanging on to them for a while. Between being discontinued and repaired I suspect they won’t sell for much. 2) Although ever... 
Audio Research REF 80S Reviews/Comparisons
@bifwynne  My 80S is due to arrive today. My Ref 150 SE remains all boxed up and taking up space in our foyer waiting for word from ARC as to an RMA. I am constantly tempted to simply take it to my local tech. ARC not willing to provide a schemat... 
No love for Legacy Audio
Who are "The Omish"? Disciples of Michael Chicklis?  
No love for Legacy Audio
I will add that for the longest time the perception among the vast majority of high-end 'philes was that Legacy were bombastic mid-fi monsters not far off from the present day with Tekton. The prevailing philosophy was that high-end loudspeakers h... 
Wine, audio, and music. How many of us Aphiles enjoy wine when listening to music?
I got into wine at about the same age as getting into audio-age thirteen. I have a 2500 bottle climate controlled walk in wine cellar. And yes, I drink wine while listening to music. And with many but not all meals. And while watching movies. Wine... 
Frank Kuzma is releasing a new arm!
Aesthetics are important for some. Me included. To me it looks like an Orca whale (fitting giving it’s mass) and I would not want it if it were free. My Reed 3P’s not only sound great but to my eyes are beautiful. Same with my decks. I want both p... 
No love for Legacy Audio
I've always found the "No love for....?" phrase amusing. To me it is a somewhat pathetic plea for help The folks that use this phrase don't feel confident in their own choice of gear and need corroboration and moral support from strangers.  Someo... 
Speakers: Anything really new under the sun?
I still don't know what you're referring to. Floorstanders have been slim for many years now. I can't think of one that's wide. So then my Devore O/93's are a figment of my imagination?   
Speakers: Anything really new under the sun?
Cochlea-is there anything new under the sun?  
Audio Research Ref 75 SE: Replace 20A IEC inlet with 15A
Well, I hate to disagree, but I must. The 75SE would very likely be just fine with a 15 amp IEC. You are correct that the size of the IEC-in this scenario-has nothing to do with the amps being delivered or the rating of the switch in the panel box...