

Responses from fsonicsmith

Audio Research REF 80S Reviews/Comparisons
I am a true believer in true balanced. The Ref 6 was optimized for running balanced and even though some may disagree, running true balanced is not only about hum rejection. Since my Ref 150 SE blew, I have been using my Ampsandsound Nautilus whic... 
Audio Research REF 80S Reviews/Comparisons
Thanks dhite71 OP My 150SE is not operable. When it does come back repaired I will  have a tough choice to make. Between the cost of repairs and a new tubeset that I am sure ARC will insist upon I am not likely to recoup a lot of money-relative t... 
Aurender Conductor latest fail…
The problem started yesterday and is universal. Aurender is working on the fix which will likely take a few days.  I don't know if this is Kosher to post but see this thread. I installed the Beta and I have Qobuz again with my iPad and W20.  h... 
Audio Research REF 80S Reviews/Comparisons
Wow, thank you ghdprentice charles1dad (always love your posts) and tomic601 As I said above I will report back. My AD who has been an ARC dealer for many years pitched the new ARC trade-in program for the Ref 6. Instead of paying $3K to have o... 
Audio Research REF 80S Reviews/Comparisons
Well, I am joining this club, meaning I am going from a Ref 150 SE to a Ref 80S. Mine was ordered today and will be here in five days or so and then I will of course need to let it settle in before I can comment. My pre is a Ref 6. I am the origin... 
Best Isolation Device for Speakers?
BTW @fsonicsmith you have a lovely, carefully assembled system there. I'd be curious what effect some speaker isolation would provide in your setting. Maybe you should try a lower cost option like the Herbies footers - or have you already?   Ve... 
God doesn't need to know what time it is.
Once again mijostyn shows his bon ami.  As to Rolexes, they are both a cliche' and a marvel to behold. The steel versions (which in the hobby are ironically known as "tool watches") are made from harder steel than any other mass produced watch. A... 
Best Isolation Device for Speakers?
In my very humble opinion (I in no way claim to be right), I think most of you have ignored the facts that; 1) Speaker designs differ-the best place to start is to confer with the designer when possible. For example, John Devore does not recommen... 
rauliruegas  is an absolute contradiction in terms. He revels in ancient cartridge designs and then he cow-tows to some pundit of shorter arms on the basis of technological theory. Just as measurements and specifications will not tell you how muc... 
From Benz to?
How does someone shell out $5,000 for a cartridge and not notice how it is spelled. Windfeld is the last name of a guy named Per Windfeld who was an important guy at Ortofon   
From Benz to?
After starting out with two Benz Glider SL's and then trying many different cartridge "houses" I ended up with a VdH Crimson Strad and a Lyra Etna Lamda. The Lyra is my favorite but I love the VdH too. I own a slew of Ortofons. I find them a bit b... 
Your single most significant purchase mistake?
@cleeds & other Aurender N100H folks: I have had similar troubles, although to date Ari has got me back & running. Question: knowing this will be just a temporary component on my digital side, WITH WHAT DID YOU REPLACE the N100H? I have... 
SW1X Audio Design DAC III balanced S
I have the DAC III Balanced. Bought it through Joe Cohen, and I am therefore an original owner.  I would add more comment but with your total absence of posting history coupled with the nature of your first post I will abstain, thank you.   
Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?
I haven’t heard them nor am I apt too. I haven’t heard Border Patrol either nor am I apt too. I could use DSP and EQ the crap out of them so perhaps awful is to strong a word, maybe extremely nonlinear is what I should have said. Mind blowing.... 
Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?
 or those awful Volti's.  This is what makes talking about this hobby rather than just listening to our systems so fun-divergent opinions. I don't own Voltis or AN's, but do own a pair of O/93's. I very much like my O/93's but don't love them. ...