Responses from fuzztone
Compatibility with Blusound Vault backup Firewall? A hard drive is just a data reservoir. It only needs to be transferred if it is failing. | |
any current integrated amps in market have great dacs? I did not enjoy the PS Audio Stellar when I had it. I groove to cheap Toppings more. Or a DirectStream into a Sanders line stage. | |
Why is so much music recorded out of key? Check out pages 55,56 of the book God, No! for a rational take on the subject. | |
Best Buy Says Bye-Bye to DVDs The point is with discs you can rip the files for convenience. With streaming fuhheddaboudit. Idiots that stream video are major causes. The facts are that video rental and retail stores are put out of business by libraries. | |
Room Acoustics Bass traps or more subwoofers, you make the call. I've tried both and additional subs made a bigger difference. | |
Magnepans and dogs All three cats around here loved ESLs | |
Why would someone feel the need to comment unpleasant things on sale posts I feel your pain. Anyone who blurts spam has likely already been scammed. And still doesn't have a clue how to stop it. | |
XLR cables for a reasonable price? Morrow doesn't upcharge for balanced. | |
How are we wiring our Mono systems? Our? Count me out. More suitable for "one ears" like Brian Wilson. | |
Cambridge Audio DAC magic Kudos on the good spelling. I have an old Cowon DAP with a Wolfson chip that sounds magical. This influenced me to acquire a NAD CD player with the same Wolfson. The magic was missing; switched to a transport. I suspect that circuits complimenta... | |
All Pre 1970 Vintage speakers suck! Prove me wrong kenjit in a clown suit. | |
Streamer with decent app Bluesound app is not so good unless you like persistent queue. | |
Real or Surreal. Do you throw accuracy out the window for "better" sound? The only thing important to me is for the music to get through. | |
New Speaker advice Try for home demo. Check out ESLs and ribbons. Additionally once you hear 2 to 4 subs in that big room... | |
CD Transport For longevity I suggest a top loader. |