

Responses from fuzztone

Azimuth 2020
Quality for SQ? Or for vinyl conservation?That IS the question. 
What are the most used terms that say the least in the "High-End"?
High-EndMeans high priced. 
Higher sample rate than 16 bit redbook
Niave question?What?Where? 
Sam here again.Is new remastered vinyl fake vinyl?
Saved Music Pulled from streaming services!
It's in Qobuz.BFD 
What are the most used terms that say the least in the "High-End"?
Romance.That's what she said. 
Azimuth 2020
Nice coherent explanation of your viewpoint.Thanks. 
Azimuth 2020
Personally I cannot make light of either arguement. But I gotta side with cleeds for civility. I just started this thread to fish for ideas, not sociopathology. 
Aurender's "Sound"
Quote"Don't get your drawers bunched up"https://upscaleaudio.com/products/russian-6h30pi?variant=21829851333 
Switch from AB to D
After having AB for 40 years my present D is the best one I've owned. The last Superphon idled at 90 watts. This one idles at 13.  It plays loud at 30 watts consumption. I "Kiil A Watt" everything.140 watts X 2 into 8 ohms, 300 X 2 into 4 ohms.  D... 
Where do you go after a BlueSound Node 2i?
Of Logitech Media Server, Volumio and BluOs I like the BluNode the least. The persistent queue is a pain and it has trouble with genres. Even random play is the worst of the 3. There's that. The SQ is mostly dependant on the qualities of the DAC. ... 
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
@ uberwaltz Maybe you are referring to a different "door." I don't see them making it past security. 
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
@mapman You got the suffer part right. Especially when tape deteriorates with time an vinyl degrades with each play. Not to mention tape heads and styli.Expensive in dollars and convenience. 
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
Got to have the on ion. 
Ever feel like a "low dollar" customer that your dealer doesn't think worth their time?
No never. It sounds like an inferiority complex. Every dealer I've ever purchased from when I started out exhibited mutual respect. Now I usually buy direct and every builder I've dealt with is cool.hilde45 how could anyone possibly be "your" deal...