
Responses from gdnrbob

Upgrade from Vandy 2w to 2wq.
Thanks jokerman, I really don't want any more bass, just more accurate.Stringreen, I am looking at a pair of 5a's for sale. The seller is very accomodating (will meet me near my location). My only problem is whether they will fit in the space I ha... 
Upgrade from Vandy 2w to 2wq.
Thanks sdcampbell,I already own the 2w's, but was considering the 2wq. that was for sale on Agon. It sold, but I am now considering upgrading to the Vandy 5's, instead. 
Buying Without Audition
Oblgny, I would love to hear your impressions of those other speakers-Non Maggies. Perhaps a PM to me? 
Amp or speaker first, upgrade
Way to go!I, too, have the Vandy 3a sigs. I remembered listening to the original 2's back in the early 80's, and after a 30 year hiatus, I finally got back into hifi. I have to say the Vandersteens have met and exceeded all my expectations. Enjoy.... 
Possibly dumb question: can I use two cable runs for each channel, not bi-wired?
As far as being able to do it, I would say yes. This would be a true Bi-wire set up, but in your case, you would be doubling the cable to the same post. Would there be a sonic difference? Probably. How different depends on your equipment.As far as... 
Adcom a weak link?
Are you using both pairs at the same time? or Alternating?The Infinite Slope, by a quick Google, seem to be a bit on the vintage side age-wise.Like I said, if you get Musical Design to upgrade some of the internals, I think you should be able to g... 
Buying Without Audition
Larstusor, thanks for the clarification, if you do know what 'sound' you like, then you are half way there. In that case, I think it would be okay to buy speakers that you have read about and think you may like. As others have said, reviews must b... 
Best type of Sub to consider?
That sound like a good start, Kenny.Keep us informed as to what you end up liking.This 'hobby' can be fun and very educational. 
Buying Without Audition
Well, the last two posts show you two different ways to pursue you goal.You can either find a dealer in a large city and make time to audition all the speakers you think you will like, or, you can take a 'best guess' at the sound you like, based o... 
Adcom a weak link?
And, can I ask, what speakers are you using/considering? Also, is it a small or large room? Do you want it loud or are just listening and relaxing? 
Adcom a weak link?
Hmm, I'll have to think about this.How much power do you need for your speakers? 
New Bamboo Speakers Feedback
Prices seem okay, maybe a little high for an item that you can't audition.Is there anyway to send out review samples, so we can judge for ourselves?Bob 
Buying Without Audition
Well, you're not in the boonies.I am pretty sure Atlanta has a few good shops that would make it a day trip.Come on guys, let's give larstusor some help. 
Amp or speaker first, upgrade
I own the Vandy 3a sigs and enjoy them immensely. I have no experience with the Definitive speakers, so I cannot give any comment to their soundFor me, I would consider upgrading the speakers first.If you think you will go with Vandy's, I suggest ... 
Berkeley Dac 2 or PS audio DSD or Schiit Yggs?
I am biased toward the Schiit. I own the Bifrost Multibit and can attest to its' musicality.