
Responses from genjamon

Oyaide Cables
Regarding the Furutech NCF wall plate, I did find it to have a rather large effect in my system.  More than I expected.  And I've had similar great improvements first from going to all GTX(R) outlets, and then upgrading them all again to the NCF o... 
NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables
@ klh007  I had a full loom of Dave's PL cables with FI50 Furutech connectors (the version before NCF came out).  Tom on here has compared non-NCF with the NCF FI50's, and doesn't think there's a huge difference, certainly not worth replacing non-... 
Former Tekton owners: What have you moved on to?
I’ve had a Lore since early 2011 - was my main speaker for about 4 years. After 2.5 years, I fully rebuilt the crossovers and internal wiring with boutique caps and silver/teflon wire - bypassing the binding posts too. This took the sound quality ... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
Tell us more about the Teo GC and HF interconnect comparison!  What do you hear as the strengths of each?   
Preamp for a Line Magnetic i518?
I have a LM 518 powering Daedalus DA-RMa V2 speakers and have tried a range of preamps with it.  TRL Dude, Tortuga LDR passive, Lampizator integrated passive, Vinnie Rossi AVC/LIO, and most recently iFi iTube2, LTA MZ2-S, Tubes4Hifi SP14, and Don ... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
As a happy GC owner, I'm not trying to tear down the GC in any way with this comment, but regarding the KLEI connectors - yes there are other entry level cables that have used this kind of connector.  I have a number of Signal Cable interconnects ... 
Duelund DCA16GA
Has anyone compared this with any of Supra's offerings?  That's also supposedly high quality tinned stranded copper. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
I wanted to comment on the leanness issue. My Job has been on the lean side in my system a good bit in the past. My speakers have some accentuated upper mids, which do things I really like in that region, but also require careful electronics and c... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Yep. Still have them. Tried the Lore S when it had just come out. I preferred the Lore for its strengths, acknowledging the more refined sound of the Lore S, but just didn't have the presence and scale in my room and for my tastes. The Crossover a... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Eric and I did correspond - a long while ago. I sat on the idea for well over a year after he and I talked before I actually ordered all the parts and went ahead. I tried calling him again when I was getting more motivated, just to double-check wh... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
No, it's a full crossover network. The woofer is not run fullrange - crossover is in the neighborhood of 3khz I think. Three caps, two resistors, two inductors. I replaced the caps and resistors with higher quality - Mills for resistors, and a mix... 
"Slam"--what is it, is it really accurate?
Alright, so maybe we're talking about different things when it comes to slam. For me, it's about when a solid bass note comes out of nowhere and you can both hear and feel it in a gutteral way. In my experience, it takes removing room resonance, e... 
"Slam"--what is it, is it really accurate?
Hypex Ncore technology has really upped the performance standard for Class D. I have a pair of monoblocks for sale right now here on Audiogon if you're interested.But I would caution that amp power, while important to deliver slam, is not the only... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Last weekend I took my Lores to visit another audiophile, along with most of my system. We had a long day of swapping out equipment on his Gedlee Abbeys and then the Lores. We had on hand:DB Labs Tranquility SE with recent Gold level upgradesLampi... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Yes, yes, we get it. Job is a 100wpc amplifier with a transformer size that limits it's power output. The manufacturer skimped a bit in that area to match production to an inexpensive price point. Not a surprise to anyone who has looked into it a ...