
Responses from genjamon

Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Sionlim - "I do however rock out and blow my windows out.The Lore is very tempting, but refinement is actually what i really want."Well, the Lore will rock out, for sure, and the Lore-S have much warmer and rounder tone to instruments, kind of a f... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Sebrof - looks like the V3 Katz Meow have the same drivers as the Lore-S, and they're virtually the same price, too. Not surprising they have pretty similar sound. Yeah, if pressed to choose one or the other - which I am - it's quite a hard choice... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
I now have the Lore-S in house as of last night. They only had about 10 hours on them before showing up at my place, and I put about 5 on them last night. I'll be playing them while I'm at work all week and also in the evenings, so I should have a... 
A Zu / Tekton / Omega Speaker Positioning Thread
I have Lores. Not sure my exact dimensions off the top of my head, but it's something like 35" from front wall to rear of speakers, low-20's inches from side walls to middle of drivers, and toe-in is so that they cross about a foot in FRONT of my ... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
What's your placement like, Goramon? I find tilting them up a bit above the listener's ear greatly smoothed things out for me and added lots of ambience and soundstage depth too. I've been meaning to try opening them up and dampening the cabinet w... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Yeah, I've been wondering if the m-lore and maybe oriel as well have a little different character than the lore itself. The lack of whizzer has to do something, and I wonder if it might not shift the overall frequency balance just slightly lower.A... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Or for a bedroom system you could consider going for the Lore-M. It might not be quite as placement-sensitive without the whizzer cone, and also might do better at a closer range. Probably subtle differences, and I wouldn't know for sure, only hav... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
I talked to Eric yesterday about the new options, trying to sort out a recommendation for my brother. He said the Lore-S uses Seas drivers, a step above the Lore in refinement. There's a rub, however. As the Eminence in the base Lore is designed a... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Has anyone tried any Red Wine Audio with their Lores or siblings? With Vinnie's new 15 watter coming out, I'm anxious to try his newer stuff. I had a 30.2 integrated that I sold a couple years ago to go cheaper and still nice with the Miniwatt, th... 
Klipsch La Scala Dilemma
I found the dynamics of the Lascala's illuminating and intense and energizing and wonderful, for a time. However, it proved too much of a good thing over time. I never tried them with tubes, though, and maybe I should have. I also never really had... 
Klipsch La Scala Dilemma
I owned LaScala's for several years, and I am a current Lore owner. I second Sebrof's comments. The LaScalas will not have anywhere near the bass frequency extension nor weight of the Lores if the Lores are near enough to the room boundaries to ge... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Zman did get me thinking and motivated to further explore positioning. I did a lot of positioning work a while ago to get the right room reinforcement for quality and quantity bass. Yesterday I gave up the bass quest entirely and embarked on a que... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Zman, I suppose I would be a casual listener by your definition. I have found a positioning of the Lores in my room that does not have bloated bass at all, has just as articulate of bass as when the speakers were a little farther out into the room... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
I can say I'm still very happy with my Lores. I would also like to say that I now understand the full bass response of the Lores after doing a lot of work positioning them - and they DO make right down to about 30 hz if they're getting the right r... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Yeah, I've been trying to give Cwazz every benefit of the doubt, but at this point I'm just not sure he's really interested in seeking the solution to his issues. Despite this, let me share an experience I had toying around the other week. I had f...