

Responses from gillatgh

Has anyone added a small subwoofer to 2 channel and been thrilled with the result?
Upgrade from a Def tech sound field 15 to JL F112 v2 and realized everything I had been missing. I could not be happier 
Sharing Speakers between two amps
Been looking for a foolproof solution myself.  If not done right........poof goes the amp or amps. Got no response on the forum here worthwhile. There are some true and tried swith box suggestions on the web I'm debating trying. But one error and ... 
Group delay in subwoofers
For sure compromises are part of the game. The trick is to get it as close as possible to the sweet spot. I was fortunate to find an acceptable sweet spot which also was aesthetically acceptable but it certainly is not dead on but within the zone.... 
Group delay in subwoofers
Jc4659, I spent the last 4 days dealing with sub setup and group delay. My experience was not to use the setup info from the manufacturer.  Did that and it was a waste of time. I did a lot of research and followed the advice given by soundoctor.co... 
Group delay in subwoofers
For real and detailed information go to soundoctor.com and get ready for some serious reading. Super informative and helpful. 
Main L R speaker connection from seperate amps
Appreciate the suggestion erik, not so sure about the reverse capability though. I do have an old Adcom 4 speaker selection box I used for auditioning. It’s an idea for sure :) Never thought of that. 
Free SPL Meter App - From a US Government Agency
+1 for tomic601, well said 
Positive comments on buyer
+1 for uberwaltz 
Top Ten Rock Vocalists
Looks like every vocalist is top ten 
Favorite band or artist of all time?
They ALL are, depending on mood. 
Have you had enough of Classic Rock?
Nice interesting thread, my take, right or wrong, is that classic rock will live on forever. No, not the overplayed crowd pleasing mediocre at best crap but the stuff that remained unplayed over the airwaves. During the "classic rock" era musician... 
Recommendations for an MC cart on Audiogon
FWIW, I have been using the Ortophone M2 Black for the past 9 months and find it quite pleasing. A fine cartridge that can and does compete with many more costly Mc's.  
Online LP Dealer Deceit - Any Experience(s) and Advice?
I do some business at ReverbLP and have experienced some questionable practices such as an advertised item magically not being found, sold in "store" missing etc. This has happened a number of times. I believe this is to gain interest in their war... 
BEST budget system. What is yours?
Samsung S9 
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!!
Ha, everybody has some band they don't like. But then there will be somebody who disagrees. That's what real diversity is all about.