

Responses from gillatgh

A sign of the times?
@ jolymill, now that got me laughing, a lot. Awesome! :) 
Best speakers for classic rock
Vintage Polk 
Sub Woofer set up
Uhhm, I really think you should read up on subwoofer material. Soundoctor.com is a really good informational site. Using the LFE output is not generally recommended. Explained by soundoctor.com.  it's a lot of reading and understanding but worth e... 
Is this too hot for my preamp? What should I do?
@n80 when I had my equipment in an enclosed rack, back open, I used 2 units of 2 fans each with temp control set at 90 farenheit. They ran pretty constantly and kept the temp inside the cabinet with equipment running at between 114 ad 124 farenhei... 
A rookie question re two amps, one pair of speakers
I just recently configured my system in the way the OP descibed. It can be done safely. My solution was to use an old Adcom speaker selector box, disconnection everything internally and installing a break before make switch along with some really ... 
Home theater / Music system
+1 for eric, I totally agree 
Question on home theater/music listening set up
The sda-crs can sound superb in the right environment. For just about anything you want to know about Polks vintage sda-srs speakers go to the forum on Polks website. Great people on there and they know their Polks.I myself love the vintage Polks,... 
Question for Platter spinners regarding IC
Good thinking, thanks guys.  
Question for Platter spinners regarding IC
@lewm Cartridge is MM Ortophone 2m black, yesterday's listening session was enlightening.  It was obvious immediately that the Wildcat was lacking in some aspects. Sounded a little colder or duller, not really sure what to call it. The Columbia wa... 
Question for Platter spinners regarding IC
So I connected the Columbia's and auditioned for about 4 hours playing a variety of genres. Result is still inconclusive but the initial feeling is that the Columbia cable may have introduced a bit of sibilance. Further listening is warranted.Over... 
Question for Platter spinners regarding IC
Thank you for your input. I called AQ but was on hold for quite a while before I gave up. I'll ask them via email next. Maybe I'll get a reply. I'm leaning on trying it and see how things go. It's an easy IC swap. I can always revert to what I hav... 
Question on home theater/music listening set up
My 2cents FWIW, them old Polk SDAs are awesome for their age.  They will blow many away with their soundstage. That said, they really can be improved upon by a relatively low expense room treatment and optimization. Why do I say this? My HT system... 
Question for Platter spinners regarding IC
@millercarbon Thanks for the reply. Already have the AQ Columbia in hand and wanted to know if anyone had tried it and to get their opinions. Would it do anything detrimental, other than SQ, to give it a try? Running a Ortophone 2m Black right now... 
Strange turntable/speaker issue
@millercarbon +1 well spoken, direct, to the point and understandable.  
The Music Room
I noticed their offer for your equipment is always very low and their selling price always on high side. It is a business and it's understandable. My experiences have been mostly positive other than their low balling offers.