Responses from goose
I am about to embark on my next upgrade journey I was going to recommend the Alta Alyssa speakers but they are a 4ohm 87db efficient speaker. They probably wouldn't require a sub based on their low frequency extension. Good luck. | |
Esoteric K03XD Mike at Suncoast audio responded on his Audio Shark forum. The 05XD is close but the 03XD is superior. I'm not exactly sure what this really means in terms of the actual sonic differences. | |
Esoteric K03XD I have no issues with my K-03XD. I had a Marantz ModWright player before the Esoteric. The Esoteric is better in every way as it should be. I don't find it bright or fatiguing and it will be my end game player / transport. The only way to ship... | |
Need suggestions on a streaming solution! Innous Pulse series are streamers only. | |
Neat "Tweaks" to improve the SQ of your streamed music!!! Just another perspective. I plugged the Puron into my Purtian PMS 156 power conditioner in the first position and didn't notice a difference. | |
vibration control - cd player I would second the use of the Townshend platforms/pods. They have replaced all my other treatments such as rollerblocks, Herbies, symposium shelf, anything rubber, HRS etc. They are on all my components including my speakers. | |
Annoying newbie CD/SACD player question I will chime in only because I have had several sony and marantz players that were modified by ModWright over the years. I had the Sony 999ES, Sony 5400 and the Marantz 8005. I kept the Marantz for a period of 7 years and never had a problem wit... | |
Floorstanding speaker experiences/recommendations in the $12-25k range It kind of depends on the flavor of sound you are looking for. There are those more on the analytical side and others that are not. Also, are you looking to stay with a box type of speaker or open baffle design. I listened to about 12 different... | |
Comparing streamer/DACs between $5-10k You might consider one of the Innous products such as the Zenith Mk3. I understand there Sense App is very good so Roon wouldn't be required. | |
How noisy is my line? Audio Prism Noise Sniffer I use the Enteq as a general sniffer. I then plug it into a conditioner to see how quiet it is relative to the noise. In my observations the Puritan 156 is quieter than the Furman reference 15i. | |
Esoteric Grandioso K1x SE ......when are they going to be available here in the US ? I know the new distributor was having some issues with getting their import / customs process in order. I have had a K-03XD on order and it got hosed up. | |
upgrade player or use modified oppo bdp 105 as transport I was on the same quest and am still tied to CD/SACD playback. I had a Modwright player and did a ton of research on a separate transport / dac that would do SACD's. PS Audio was the only choice that I found that was viable in the price range I ... | |
Lumin upgrade It would be interesting if someone did a shoot out between the Lumin U2, Aurender N200 and the HiFi Rose RS 130. | |
Speaker Spikes - Working Principle @j-wall the Herbie's really didn't have any affect on the sound, and in fact my audio buddy thought they made the sound worse than just having the speakers resting on the carpet. I was hoping this would improve the issue I was having, but it wasn... | |
Speaker Spikes - Working Principle @j-wall I tried the Herbies and they didn't work for me. Not bashing Herbies because I have used his other products. I'm more for Isolation instead of coupling based on my suspended wood floors rather than concrete. |