
Responses from gotog

Speaker recommendation for SET tube amp MASTERSOUND
Since you stressed that aesthetics are very important and price does not seem to be a factor, the Voxativ Zeth or Zeth-B may work for you 
Tonian TL-P1 MK II
@bobheinatz...yes TL-P1 MKII is at lower end of that range..sorry for delay in response 
Upgrade from Technics SP25
Thanks again for the information and suggestions you all provided. 
Upgrade from Technics SP25
@raulirugas,@chakster thanks for your advice 
Classical Music: Dorian Label
Thanks again. Also picked up the Celtic Dialogue suggestion after sampling on Amazon. Lot’s of new, interesting music on its way.. looking forward to it... 
Classical Music: Dorian Label
Thanks for all the great suggestions. Just purchased Lute songs with McFarlane and Baird, Kubalek Czech Miniature Masterpieces, Dorian Portrait sampler, and McFarlane Renaissance — all in new or mint condition for $21 total (shipping included).. s... 
EAT B-Sharp is nice. Comes with a factory installed Ortofon 2M Blue. 
CD player recommendations for...
I think some of the older Sony models like sony 307esd or cdp970, ones with Philips TDA1541 chip, sound a lot better than more current models in the $500 range. They cost less and are built really well. 
Sarasate Suggestion
Thanks for all the suggestions.  Much appreciated. 
Bach Double Violin Concerto
Thanks for all the suggestions...just picked up the  Grumiaux and Krebbers one....  and will see if I can find one of the Historically-Informed  versions for comparison. 
Bach Double Violin Concerto
@schubert Thanks. I knew I could count on you. Your Kyung Wha Chung suggestion in my previous thread turned out to be awesome..will look into the suggestions you provided above. 
Tonian Trio, Hang Around
Just want to echo all the sentiments expressed here regarding the Tonian Labs cds.  The first one "Drums and Bells" and the newer one "Hang Around" are real sonic treats.  I really like the addition of string and reed instruments on the latest one... 
Cartridge for ATP-12T
@roberjerman Thanks for the Hana recommendation..both the EL and SL look interesting@donvito..  Thanks for reference information. 
Cartridge for ATP-12T
Mass is about 21g 
Suggestions for Solo Violin Recordings
Thanks all for great suggestions.Schubert - thanks for clarification