Responses from grannyring
Help with V-Cap ODAM directionality in crossover How did your upgrade turn out? Most interested. Yes, the caps will take some. 120-200 hours to be 90% burned in. They open up a lot in just 30 hours. | |
Network optimization for serious streamers I want to share a network upgrade in sound quality that has me smiling. I have used the Network Acoustics streaming cables and filters since that were offered several years ago. Network Acoustics is really doing some great things for streaming aud... | |
Synthesis Amplifiers: One of High End's Best Kept Secrets? The Muon USB cable will be very good. Looking forward to hearing which one you keep. I own the Network Acoustics Muon Pro streaming cables and streaming filter.They are outstanding. I have also owned their USB cable. Don’t forget to try an SR Pur... | |
Synthesis Amplifiers: One of High End's Best Kept Secrets? Chris, you have found a wonderful match to your Fyne 704 speakers and that is everything! The transformers in your amp are a big reason why it sounds so good. They are very special. I admire your dedication to finding the perfect amp for your syst... | |
Network Acoustics Muon ethernet filtering system - Improving streaming sound quality I just upgraded to the newer Network Acoustics Muon Pro ethernet filter and streaming cables. I continue to be very impressed with these Network Acoustics digital streaming products. My wife and I immediately heard the music fill in much more ... | |
Network Acoustics Muon ethernet filtering system - Improving streaming sound quality @mitch2 Nicely put together digital front end. Never heard the Mojo server and bet it is very good! | |
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"? LEDs add noise. Bypass and listen. In a well resolving system with a person who cares about such sonic things the sonic impact can be heard. Yes I am a crazy audiofool so try for yourself and let your own ears and system decide. | |
Grimm MU1 Streamer - Really "The Best"? LEDs hurt the sound. I learned this long ago. I have disabled all the LEDs (possible) in my gear. | |
Ray Charles - "Rap is not music" @ab2ab Nice post and thank you! | |
Ray Charles - "Rap is not music" It’s ok to have opinions. Just how we each feel and it’s mature to allow opinions without judgement and ridicule. I think rap is not good music and the message found in most of it is both dangerous and destructive for society. Not all of it, but t... | |
Help with V-Cap ODAM directionality in crossover Proper heat dissipation by allowing air flow all around resistors. Perhaps a tad too high off the board, but overall a great idea. Need to lift resistors off the board and do not use hot glue anywhere near resistors! Depending on where the board... | |
Help with V-Cap ODAM directionality in crossover I assumed you were just using the Odams on the tweeter board. If using them on the woofer board, then that cap is most likely in parallel with the woofer driver output leads. This cap position is far less important than a series cap, but still can... | |
Help with V-Cap ODAM directionality in crossover We cannot see under the board to see how it is wired. Nobody can tell you without seeing the circuit and the circuit is not visible on the top of the board. Simply study the circuit under the board or even better use your multimeter checking for ... | |
Cary Audio CD 306 SACD player (non Pro version) I understand pretty well what can be fixed, but Cary themselves could not even fix the board. They designed the unit and repair their stuff. Certainly reason for caution! | |
Cary Audio CD 306 SACD player (non Pro version) One note of caution on the Cary 306 PRO. I owned one and it needed repair. Cary could not fix it and the impacted new board had to be shipped from China. It took well over a month and cost me around $1000 many years ago. I doubt these boards are a... |