

Responses from grannyring

Review: Tube Research TRL Dude Tube preamp
Yes, I also found that site and was surprised to see me quoted.Ha! 
Review: Tube Research TRL Dude Tube preamp
Charles1dad,Yes, I have owned the original Dude and now the latest. Mine is also custom in that it has 2 - 6sn7's per side instead of one per side and extra capacitance. Mine also has a set of $400 Duelund Alexander coupling caps ( I put them in).... 
The Audiophile's Wife
Frogman,My wife says she'll gladly take requests, "as long as the subject is outside of her expertise and brings on the funny." 
Review: Tube Research TRL Dude Tube preamp
Bdpack,Amen to your post! It's hard for others to really believe this preamp is that good. This is understandable as many units have been touted as giant killers etc....It is a steal for sure. Enjoy! 
Using Granite under speakers
I have a much better idea that's works far better. I have gone down this road you are on and this next option works far better.Get some Star Sound Sistrum platforms under your speakers and you will be amazed at the results. They come up used and w... 
The Audiophile's Wife
We are not separated Chadnliz. Happily married and very much together I am happy to report.I cannot write very well to be honest. Believe what you must to deal with the blog! 
The Audiophile's Wife
Thanks Gammajo! 
Why CD players will never be dead
Steve I think you may have a valid point for me on this topic.ThanksBill 
Why CD players will never be dead
Thanks Shakey and point well taken Vhiner. I will wait more.I do own a Squeezebox Touch and an Apple iMac into a Bel Canto DAC in my smaller second system. I will try your DB Poweramp idea and press on learning in my second system. 
Why CD players will never be dead
Yes, I must buy the right one and every other step in this whole process must also be sorted out and done the best way possible. I swear it is this bottomless black hole of cobbled together computer audio with all of its twists and turns that conf... 
Why CD players will never be dead
Shakeydeal, his mods vary and mine is the latest with the battery power supply and all (modified last year). Tell me about yours? Love to know how (what program) you use to rip CD's? I have not had as much luck as you getting computer audio to sou... 
CD-format to be abandoned by major labels by the e
Nice job Elizabeth. I hope you are right as my CD player sounds better then the computer front ends I have tried. It is all about the sound quality for me. I may have to go to records soon:-)The computer audio thing is still a little difficult wit... 
Why CD players will never be dead
I a not with Steve on this one. My computer audio front end and others I have heard do not sound as good as a great CD/SACD player in my experience. Not yet anyway. I love the convenience however! I love Spotify and Pandora etc... The battery oper... 
New preamp: need to change speaker placement?
My actual experience has proved there are times when changes such as toe-in are needed as one changes a system. Again. this was a must with a capacitor change in my preamp. No way the speakers could stay exactly as they were after this change. 
New preamp: need to change speaker placement?
Yes Tholt it may. I replaced the caps in my pre and found moving my speakers was the final step to fine tuning. The new caps were much more alive and dynamic so speaker placement fine tuning was needed.