
Responses from gregm

Rogue Pharaoh II vs Naim Supernait 3 for Revels
If I'm not mistaken the Rogue is cheapaer than the Naim -- so no sweat there. That said, the Rogue's much higher power output will drive the Revels better. However, if you want bang for buck, the Musical Fidelity M8s - 500 gives you about 500W fo... 
Wadia 861 as a DAC
I have fond memories of this Wadia! You can stream music using the Wadia as your dac, however I would probably relegate it to transport duty and purchase a current spec external DAC. Reasonably priced (1-3k) DACs nowadays perform very well.  
CD transports
I second @jasonbourne52 ’s advice to keep the Lux until it dies. If not, another contender is TEAC: their CDPs use excellent transports and any used CDP will work very well as a stand-alone. BTW, bits may be bits, but extracting them and transpor... 
Impedance Matching Confusion
As mentioned previously you are driving one 4ohm speaker, not two. The nominal load remains that of the pseaker (4ohm).  
Thiel Cs 2.3 with neodium Tweeter of CS 2.4
As unsound said, above. You'd need to have the TS parametres of both tweeters, which are probably unobtainium. Best to check with Madisound , maybe someone has checked this out!  
All In One Recommendations
Good to see you back @trelja even if it's as the bearer of bad news! A great sounding, modestly priced option is the ATC integrated (from the speakers people); I listened to one and found it amazingly good for the price -- IIRC less than 2k -- wh... 
turntable for daughter
I second both choices -- Pro-ject or Rega. For a bit more expensive, any plug'n' play Clearaudio package.  
Bonham’s Squeaky Drum Pedal
The squeak is there right @ 4" when the drums enter, continues throughout the track. Not the end of the world IMO...  
DAC Upgrade
When it comes to buying american, Schiit offers the best value for money. BTW,  @ericsch Denafriprs is Singaporean, not american 🙂  
Down To The Crunch
I have listened to both, I would go for the D & D for sheer practicality; they are relatively simple to set up & operate, very easy to place, very easy to get to sound good. I agree that the Kii sounded like they offered more hi frequency... 
How to identify my weakest link?
Great system! This is one of those rare threads where most posters agree! First check out speaker positioning and similar inepxensive tweaks as per Millercarbon, audiotroy etc, above. I also agree that changing the Kimber for something more tran... 
Can one use assymetric wire gauge for speaker cable construction?
Of course you can, several branded interconnects are made that way. By the way, using individually isolated strands is a good idea as well, apparently, with a slight counter-clockwise twist.  
Vienna Acoustics The Music vs Sonus Faber Stradivari
I listen to large-scale orchestral music much of the time, and have listened to both of the above. Here goes: neither of these excellent speakers will give you a realistic rendition of Mahler 2 (Klemperer live, Barbirolli) or 5 (Barbirolli), let a... 
Decide between ARC Ref 6SE and Aesthetix Calypso Eclipse
If you're looking for clarity, precision, and detail and, perhaps, enhanced dynamics, go for the Calypso.Just so happened I listened to a Calypso (signature or eclipse, can't remember) driving ARC monoblocks and compared it to the resident Ref6 SE... 
Proac K6 Signature, Sonus Faber Amati Tradition,Verity Audio Amadis, Kharma DB-9
If british sound, etc, you might consider ATC 100s or even 200s. More bite than big Spendors (I had those). Subjectively speaking, Jimi Hendrix on big Proacs or big ATCs will sound like Jimi Hendrix, on (say) a Harbeth it will sound like the LSO i...