Responses from gregm
Considering Beveridge, your opinion please. As you seem to be sold on electrostats (mid-range purity & sense of speed...), I assume you have the amplification for them & are aware of their shortcomings.The short story:So...if you are ready to sink 2.5 grand into an electrostatic exp... | |
Vintage Marantz SM7/SC7 advice You understand that the operational value of vintage items depends a lot on the condition of said items...Having said that:1) IIRC the amp is around 150W / channel and a good piece. It preceded the "esotec" of the same name which was considered by... | |
Need advise on amp choice what would you do if faced with the (...) choices I prefer the sound of the Ref110 to the vs115. I've only listened to the 450 once -- so no opinion. OTOH, experience with the other amps is based them driving small SF (the same pair, in fact!).BUT... | |
B&W 801 Series 2 - vs - KEF Reference 203/B&W N805 If Nautilus 801 (or 800) are your dream sprs, you would probably find the old 801s ("matrix" IIRC!) insufficient. By comparison they are "sweet", with a rounded top range, blown out/ beefy mid-bass & insufficient lower bass. Romantic sound! Th... | |
Static electricity: Unique to Vinyl Systems? Presumably you have tried a zerostat -- or similar static electricity "cleaner"?BTW, Al's suggestion above is actually a very dependable way of optimising the phono input impedance for yr cartridge! | |
Why do my Opera Secondas sound soooo bright????? Gemini, from your description it looks likea) your amp doesn't drive the spkrs (I checked the Seconda tech specs they are not the easiest to drive)b) there is something wrong with the mid-bass units. You would have noticed that, so this is an unli... | |
pre/power matching? The general rule of the thumb is, the input impedance of the amp should be ~15 times or more than the output impedance of the pre (or the source unit, generally speaking). That's generalising, of course.As Aporter mentions, amps with 10k inputs ar... | |
SACD vs Analog To match the ease of use of your EMT IMO, a well restored EMT (938) from one of the EMT engineers would be a great start.This is truly an excellent idea.The whole thing is as near plug & play as one can get. Re, new TT, the above are all good ... | |
Multichanneled amp question? Why don;t U try bi-wiring yr speakers -- since you have two extra channels sitting around? All you need is a couple of wires... | |
Need advice on bi-amping Going a bit against the grani: The onkyo processor has the option to re-assign two of the surround outputs for bi-amp ability.IF the amp allows you to choose frequency as well, so much the better. Anyway, why not borrow a cheap 2 channel amp and t... | |
Is it possible to have an accurate speaker Accurate usually means "true to the original" the original being whatever is fed to it as noted above.OTOH, "warm" can be one or more of many things: a BBC type downward sloping speaker response curve, linear or non-linear distortion, muted high f... | |
Replacing Audio Physic Virgo2 IMO the Harbeth Compact 7 ES3 is an excellent little speaker and an improvement upon the original LS3/5A. It is hardly a desktop item and performs best on stands.I had the Rogers version of the LS3/5A latter and, while they are still a warm nostal... | |
Clearaudio Concept - Used - Careful Pdjmwj -- the standard arm is (a sort of) unipivot and you can choose to skip on anti-skating adjustment, which is fiddly. I set one up for a friend a few days ago -- he is using an expensive Lyra and the a-skating was set by ear & test record... | |
Leben CS300 tube amplifer without load / speakers down the path to perdition.....Fie on't! But the cause is sacred...:) | |
Need suggestion for cables of YBA system Suggest you use single stranded cable (or few strands), paralleled conductors, for IC. Low capacitance for spkrs. Now, as to actual brands: "Jade" (i.e. Audiogoner Jadem6) makes such cables; the top Nordost are also very good with YBA, but very ex... |