
Responses from gregm

Audio Spectrum Analysis
Hi - I’m not sure anyone here understands how we can help... I certainly am in the dark. Yes, the peak at 16kHz (-85dB) is visible as is another at ¬9.5kHz at what looks like -90dB -- neither looks v. high in amplitude at the measuring point (obv... 
What a great show
Thanks for letting us know..  
Electronics for Harbeths -- $5-10K
I would add Accuphase to the list. Luxman or Accuphase should give you a synergistic match with your Harbeths.  
ATC buying advice
Hi @n777  The 100 give a much larger sound and, in so doing, require subwoofers to be really full-range on a grand scale. In a reasonably sized room, the 50s will probably end up being a more full-range sounding proposition -- i.e. the low end do... 
ATC buying advice
Hi - here are a few pointers based on experience (i.e. subjective). ATC active vs passive: like you, I would go for active. SCM40 vs SCM50: the 50s are definitely better, albeit industrial looking compared to the 40s By better, I mean truer to t... 
Speakers versus Balance vs Amplifier
No doubt, you’ve checked the speakers are equidistant from the seat & that the toe-in angles are identical. In my case correcting a tiny difference (1 degree!) in the angle of the left speaker made an astonishing difference to the sonic coher... 
The mistake armchair speaker snobs make too often
A speaker maker has to sell a pair of speakers for at least 10x what the drivers cost. I’m sorry but the math of getting a speaker out the door, and getting a retailer to make space for it, plus service overhead, yada yada, means you simply canno... 
My DAC is balanced on two stillpoints on a base which in turn is sitting on steel wires tightened across the top of my rack.. Subjectively, I believe this gives more clarity to the sound. I haven’t bothererd measuring, nor testing, etc. The stil... 
Upgrade Esoteric K03XD to K01XD?
Or you can get a simple CD transport for that purpose, hooked up to the N-01XD via AES/EBU or S/PDIF.  I second that thought emphatically. Good transports are still available, including esoteric's own under the TEAC brand name. Just get a used... 
Did I do a good thing or not?
I hope you like it! The Shure V-15 has one of the best tracking available; it may be vintage but it is a legendary device. Whether you like the Shore sound or not is another matter  
Classical music thread welcoming your suggestions and why...
@edcyn  😂  
Classical music thread welcoming your suggestions and why...
Another conductor worthy of mention for his passionate dynamics, tender adagios, and understanding of soloists, is Sir John (born Giovani Battista) Barbirolli. When I first listened to Barbirolli's Mahler 2 & 4 I was transported.  A contempor... 
Classical music thread welcoming your suggestions and why...
i too like the sentence : It may not storm the gates of heaven like J.S. Bach, but it paves the streets leading to those gates,  It resonates with my (short) impressions of his work -- which include the oboe sonatas (Holliger, I agree of cours... 
Choice between Wilson Audio Alexx or the Alexia V
Between the two, I would go for the Alexx, despite its age. I find it more complete top to bottom, fast without the small, euphonic, lower mid-range coloration of the Alexia V. Mind you, it is probably much more difficult to set-up perfectly. Add... 
Seeking Schumann 4th that is listenable
Qobuz is a good source for streaming classical. If you are interested in a good performance (and listenable enough) of Schumann’s 4th, try Klemperer / Philharmonia on EMI. Originally recorded in the early 60s, It’s been reissued by Warner in high...