
Responses from grislybutter

Dynaudio Evoke 20 vs. Totem Signature One vs. Acoustic Revival Adalante 3
You are right, the Dynaudio and Totem are similar, hard to drive but sweet a relaxed with the right amp. I think it's weakness is the bass. After having the Evoke 20s for 3 years as my main speakers, I think it's overpriced for what it does, there... 
AA for us
@rock-on you have an approach, discipline and not a flawed OCD personality like mine. Still, your suggestions are golden and I will heed as much as I can! One note: I am not affected by marketing. HOWEVER, I am sucker for aesthetics so in a way t... 
AA for us
@mitch2 added those too  
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yes, added more @mitch2 and I added X that applies to me excessive system cost to income ratio   excessive system cost to disposable/WAS (wife approved spending) ratio x tweaks and cables infatuation ... 
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@deep_333 we don't need to put a number on it, that's when it begins to spiral - I just need X to have a nice system but then what about 1.2X... and then 1.5X?  
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@ghdprentice I will contact you directly  
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@stuartk  do you actually know what sort of presentation(s) you prefer?  not insulting at all. I have a smallish room, I am close to the speakers and I like a relaxed but big sound, on the warm side - nothing fancy. @dekay my gear is mostly v... 
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thanks @cdc !  
Fun read...
At some point, it's probably just cheaper to hire musicians to perform in your living room instead  
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very relevant article, thanks @shtinkydog ! @stuartk the more comments on this post, the better I define my problem, and realize that even if I moved into Alma Audio permanently, I still wouldn't be "over it". I need to find the OCD cure.    
Tannoy Canterbury, KEF Reference 5, Fyne Vintage Twelve, SF Serafino
Fyne is much better value than Tannoy. I would also look at KLH model 5 and Monitor Audio    
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@deep_333 I hope to avoid getting addicted to medication. Man this is a deep hole :)  
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AA for us
thanks @cdc! I am not just stuck at B, I am stuck in the sound quality deterioration spiral. It's probably just in my head. The more things I change or try, the worse it gets - I think.    
Most overrated audio manufacturers?
Zu, for sure, and the Falcon, Rogers, etc. BBC line