
Responses from grislybutter

YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
@devinplombier I was into audio when I was 16. Up until 18. Then life happened. 30 years went by before I was (really) into audio again. Audiophiles are not dying out, just waiting to get old(er) to have time again.  
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
cheapaudioman is a hack, an entertainer. Watch him at your own risk.   
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
I would love to see these toys become affordable for the demand to drop sharply due to buyers dying out. (it will never happen)  
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
Audiophile audio dying out will be one of the lesser problems future generations will have to deal with. very true. We made such a mess, it will take a lot of geniuses to fix it.   
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
people who are 30 today will be 45 some day (I don’t have the exact numbers on when) and will buy high end audio stuff. The End    
What do I need?
So, pick yourself up by your pamper straps & don’t be so sensitive. seriously? You respond after 6 days, you claim you respond on day 2 and you have this attitude? Wow...  
Integrated Amps
@bgross  me: "I want Billie!" wife: "go live with her! Here is your suitcase"  
Hafler DH-220 performance and modifications
I have been using the dl-200 for a year. I would not touch it with any kit, it's just right. (the design of the back is horrible though, but that's not about the sound)  I don't know if the 220 is profoundly different,  
Looking for a new Subwoofer
my 2 cents: everything about the Fyne F-702 screams that they go down to cover the bass frequencies (30Hz) and do it well. To add a sub to those without massive overlap is challenging. You either cut off the lows of a full range speaker with cro... 
Integrated Amps
just let's not call it "budget" or cheap. It's all relative  
It’s true what they say/and a question
we are truly flawed and screwed as species. 0.01% of us the ones with the talent and the eventual instinct to save humanity.   
critique my setup -- weak link? best way to improve?
@vthokie83 A lot of posts are like this, written by a ghost. We are fools :)  
JA Pulsars vs Harbeth 30.2
@tjraubacher unfortunately I have no experience with these speakers but I would look at  
Can You Trust a Shipper? (UPS, Fed-Ex, etc)
the problem is not how often things go wrong. It’s when they go wrong, the customer is screwed. To get through to UPS with a complaint requires an IQ of 160 and communications skills of a university professor and the patience of a turtle, then, ma... 
critique my setup -- weak link? best way to improve?
If the speakers *must* stay on the credenza I pretty much ignored this part. If you want good sound don't let the furniture determine it, proper stands and placement are literally the easiest and cheapest tweaks of the system and the best bang ...