

Responses from hasmarto

Which 6c33c-b tubes for BAT REX monoblocks ?
I asked that very same question to the local authorized New Sensor dealer (vivatubes), and they told me there is no new production of the 6c33c variants. They’re just rebranding the NOS Soviet stuff. 
Jolida Fusion or Vincent SA-32 / hybrid comparison
@big_greg yup, Vincent still makes units with soldered tubes, I think the sa-32 was one of them, even though I never opened the lid, since I knew it’s a transitional pre. I got the T7 after that, which is a really decent sounding piece, with usual... 
Jolida Fusion or Vincent SA-32 / hybrid comparison
I have had the Vincent  sa-32 for eight months in one of my bedroom systems. It’s very flexible, lots of inputs/outputs, including pseudo-balanced, and it’s also visually presentable. The sound was quite dull with my system no matter the tone cont... 
Why no Virtual System pics??
Based on my observation of this resource, many folks feel ashamed or inferior to post their system, especially if it doesn’t have Pass, Luxman, Vitus and Gryphon in it (let’s be honest, it’s been years since majority has been bringing up only the ... 
IsoTech Titan power conditioner experience
I’m still looking around, trying to find something a bit cheaper, but this one is a contender, if I don’t  find anything locally, then I’ll order it or something else from Musicdirect, they have a great return policy. 
IsoTech Titan power conditioner experience
Just a couple of days ago IsoTek’s US distributor recommended to me that particular piece for my Audio Analogue Donizetti Anniversary power amplifier, which has 2 x 1200VA transformers, so with your amps you’ll hardly have serious sonic shortcomin... 
Vincent Audio tube preamp SA-T7 & SP-332 power amp
@superstocked,hey there, I got one exactly one month ago ;), so you replaced the Mullard CV6189 tubes with Mullard 6688a’s and 6S3P-EV’s with BB 6cM4’s? I’m looking for a set of spare tubes, don’t know what the exact substitution tubes are. 
Integrated amp for Thiel 3.7's
@pgastone before making your final decision consider this baby too (hoping that ‘gon trolls and teenagers still asleep 😴).I have no affiliation with any audio-related manufacturerhttp://www.enjoythemusic.com/superioraudio/equipment/1019/Audio_Anal... 
Underwood core power gold cable
@fedie, I think the following link might help you, even though it’s not a review. Take a look, compare the pics and you’ll see.I have no affiliation with any audio-related manufacturer.https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000212215329.html?spm=a2g0o.p... 
Amps with meters ...
@almarg - your XA25 is most definitely the best looking amp in their lineup. It’s beautiful. That’s how the power amp should look, at least from my point of view. 
Amps with meters ...
@mijostyn - absolutely agree with you on visual distraction. Good point. 
Amps with meters ...
I really hate those. My last piece with meters was Luxman 505u integrated. Couldn’t wait until I got rid of it (not for the looks though). Most of all I dislike Pass’ ugly useless meters. As of today none of my power amps has meters or displays on... 
The Best Compliment You've Gotten On Your Rig?
I don’t really care about the compliments, I get those every time somebody listens to my rig, but when somebody calls and asks for my help to put together a system because I inspired them that really makes me happy. 
My Triad of Integrateds
 A-Analogue was a suggestion based on my personal extensive audio journey, it’s a great amp and nobody can say otherwise without listening to it. As simple as that.So far those sarcastic childish comments on AA are what they are - childish. I do r... 
My Triad of Integrateds
@ghasley at this point the only upset person here is you, and I don’t even know why. Kind of strange. You’re not even familiar with the pieces (they make 3 integrateds, btw,😂).. @erik_squires I hope you’re not really upset on this matter