
Responses from herman

Physical explanation of amp's break in?
Eldartford, It is really very simple.1. a prototype is built2. it is allowed to burn in for an extended period of time3. the sound is evaluated4. adjustments are made5. it is burned in, evaluated, adjusted6. it is burned in, evaluated, adjusted7. ... 
Physical explanation of amp's break in?
Eldartford, you are correct. Components are ignorant, but designers are not. They listen to their creations after everything has settled in, if it sounds worse than when they began they attempt to find out why. This is the same reason amps, etc. s... 
Physical explanation of amp's break in?
Eldartford, your logic is flawed. Even though it is true that components are rated at some value plus/minus some percentage, it does not follow that a different value will sound the same even though it is within the rated specification. For exampl... 
Physical explanation of amp's break in?
Sean is right, as a piece ages, the components inside it change value. Resitors changes value, electrolytic caps start to dry out and ALL of them will eventually fail if used long enough, substances such as plastics used as dielectrics change espe... 
Best Cabling for Wilson Sophia's
My Wilson Witt II's were internally wired with Monster cable. They sounded great with Transparent cables. 
Latin Music
South America is a pretty big continent with a wide variety of cultures. Could you be a bit more specific about where you went. 
Slappys Sob Story. So long folks
Slappy is getting married and Slappy is buying a $250,000 house and Slappy isn't responsible enough to have even $2,500 saved? Sorry, but I don't think it is wise for Slappy to get married at this level of maturity. 
I recently emailed John Atkinson of Stereophile
Corona, may I venture a guess that you are one of the "real" audio companies who doesn't advertise. If so, why hide behind an anonymous moniker taking pot shots at those who have become successful enough to afford these ads. If you don't have a do... 
Does heat kill tubes?
As far as heat is concerned, tubes can take a lot more than transistors. Since the tubes get that hot or hotter in normal operation, I don't see how heating them up would damage them.I think the tube failure after storage in the heat was coincidence. 
Female Vocalist like Diana Krall, Jacintha.
Ella Fitzgerald, simply the best. 
Supratek Chardonnay ins & outs
These amps are custom built. The buyer specifies the number of inputs and outputs they want so a diagram you get from someone may or may not match your amp.I would enlist the assistance of a competent technician who should be able to identify the ... 
The Best Inexpensive Wines Available Now
You poor fellow. Clos du Bois chardonnay is less than $10 here in Nashville, might be because ripple is a bigger seller.Toastedhead is a bit bettr at around $15 here. 
Tube glows cherry red...then it doesn't ?
It sounds like the tube lost bias and went wide open. That is very hard on the tube. I agree that it could be a bad connection between the socket and grid pin of the tube or somewhere further back in the bias circuits. FatParrot's ideas are good. ... 
hardwood floors and spikes
Depending how heavy your speakers are and how hard and pointy your spikes are they can go through a thin piece of metal like a penny. 
Removing mold from LPs?
I believe you are out of luck on this one. You can prevent mold, but once it attacks the record it eats into the vinyl and cannot be repaired.