
Responses from herman

Sensible Sound's annual speaker recommendations
I am curious if you received their permission to post this information? They do not post this info on their own website. They post the table of contents and a little bit about the issue, I would assume, in the hope of getting you to buy the issue.... 
Shielding unshield speakers: Possible?
Do a search in the archives on SHIELDED for a previous discusion. Magneticic fields are not affected by copper or other non-magnetic materials so I'm afraid Rwwear's suggestion won't work. 
contact info for Aesthetix?? HELP
Thank you 
Blue - Like Keb Mo
Taj Mahal "Dancing the Blues". Lowell Fulson "Them Update Blues"Jimmy Smith "dot com blues"Lou Rawls "Portrait of the Blues"Lonnie Brooks "Let's Talk it Over"most of Robert Cray's stuff 
More Questions about Tube Noise
You are being obsessive. With high efficiency speakers and tubes you are lucky to have no noise at the listening position, much less within an inch of the speaker. Within an inch is great even with a solid state system. Relax and enjoy the music. 
Opera What is the best opera recording?
I am no opera expert, but a Requiem is not an opera. It is a mass for the dead. The Rutter Requiem on Reference is an excellent recording, but it isn't an opera. 
New Lowther whizzer cone design.
I have the new EX-3 in a Lamhorn cabinet. Oh so nice. Better than the old style PM-7A they replaced. They are still breaking in but they are smoother in spite of having more high frequency output . I really can't say if it is the new whizzer, the ... 
Bass Equalization Circuit: Good or Bad Design??
Rwwear is correct. It is impossible to get deep bass out of an average size subwoofer without some sort of bass equalization, i.e. boost. I once built a sub from some plans in Audio magazine that used an 18 inch JBL 2245H in a huge ported box (48"... 
Bass Equalization Circuit: Good or Bad Design??
Rwwear is correct. It is impossible to get deep bass out of an average size subwoofer without some sort of bass equalization, i.e. boost. I once built a sub from some plans in Audio magazine that used an 18 inch JBL 2245H in a huge ported box (48"... 
Time to clean the lenses
Even though they are glass, they may have coatings on them that could be damaged by improper cleaning. The safest thing to do is contact Pioneer and see what they recommend. 
Guitar Alphabet. Please fill out unused letters...
Stevie Ray Vaughan !! 
What is the best 2A3 SET Amplifier?
What are the dimensions of these holes? Do they have good acoustic properties? Perhaps I should abandon my listening room and get me a hole. 
Wright Phono pre-amp??
I can only speak about the 3.5 watt 2A3 amp as that is the only piece I have auditioned. The sound was lovely but it did not have enough oomph to push my speakers (91 dB). Based on that limited exposure I can recommend them for the build quality v... 
Buzz coming from preamp when off
It sounds like you have a transformer buzzing in the preamp since it happens with the system off. I suspect the buzzing you hear from the speakers is from the amp and not coming from the preamp since it does not increase when turned up. I am not f... 
Great SET output and Power transformers
Electraprint makes great transformers. However, "the best" and "cheap" do not usually go together.