
Responses from hgeifman

Has anyone bought the OPPO 105 and has an opinion
Whmuckley & Melm: Thank you for your comments on the Oppo 105. I assumed the Ayre would sound better but, based on the above, maybe not. The Oppo 105 looks very interesting. Does any one else have a comment on the Oppo 105? 
Has anyone bought the OPPO 105 and has an opinion
Does the Oppo 105 sound better than my Ayre CX-7eMP? Several people at THE Show suggested I get the Oppo 105. I cannot believe the 105 sounds better than the Ayre. Any comments? 
Has anyone bought the OPPO 105 and has an opinion
Do I need an external monitor when using the Oppo 105? I will be using it in a two channel system (no video) and am hoping its regular screen is okay. Any other comments on the Oppo 105? 
Any Comments on Mola-Mola audio electronics
Guido : I have no information on how the Mola-Mola internal design may differ from other Ncore NC1200 implementations. It is a good question to ask. 
Best alternative w/digtal inputs to Ayre QB-9 DAC?
Correction. It should be Ayre QB-9 DAC connectivity requirements. 
Best alternative w/digtal inputs to Ayre QB-9 DAC?
I suggest you call Neutrik and see if they can help you with your Ayre QB-8 DAC connectivity requirements. I did and they helped me go from a XLR 110 ohm to a BNC 75 ohm connection (Ayre CD player to DAC). Their device worked perfectly.See:http://... 
Ayre Cx-7e issue
As suggested above, please call Ayre at 1.303.442.7300, extension #223. Most likely, you will have to return the CX-7e for repairs. I had similar problems several years ago and they installed a new transport in the CD player. You should also ask t... 
Classe DR25
I suggest you Google "Classe Audio DR15 manual" and look for the connections for using an XLR cable. If you cannot find the settings ( I could not), I suggest you call Classe Audio and ask them. You do not want to make a mistake on these connections. 
Explain Streaming Audio Services
Tonyangel: Thank you for your response above. You answered my question. 
Ayre AX-5 Integrated Amplifier
Pawel8: Ayre equipment takes a long time to break in. I know you put the Ayre AX-5 up for sale but I suggest you give it more time to break in before you sell it. 
Oppo 105 or PS Audio PWD Mk2
I am confused. The PS Audio PWD Mk2 is a DAC. This means you need a transport to play your CD's. The Oppo 105 is a CD player that includes a transport and DAC in one box. See:http://www.psaudio.com/products/audio/media-players/pwd-mkii-features/Ar... 
Magnum Dynalab MD809T
I traded my Magnum Dynalab 807t Internet Radio Tuner for their top of the line 809t Internet Radio Tuner. The 809t unit has two power supplies, a newly designed audio stage with 4 6922 vacuum tubes, a 5.7” color touch screen; 3.5” touch screen rem... 
Magnum Dynalab MD809T Internet radio
I traded my Magnum Dynalab 807t Internet Radio Tuner for their top of the line 809t Internet Radio Tuner. The 809t unit has two power supplies, a newly designed audio stage with 4 6922 vacuum tubes, a 5.7” color touch screen; 3.5” touch screen rem... 
Is the Oppo-105 with Modwright modifications
I believe the actual question was to compare the stock Oppo 105 to a Oppo 105 Modwright mod. The Modwright mod adds $2,295 to the Oppo 105's list price of $1,200. I heard one comment saying "The ModWright 105, IMHO, is the best sounding source I h... 
Best redbook cd-only player ?
There are many excellent choices listed above. The Ayre C-5xe CD player is another excellent choice priced at $6,000. I own the Ayre CX-7eMP CD player priced at $3,500 and it is very good. The Luxman cd players, D-05, D-06 and the D-08 might be mo...