
Responses from hgeifman

Oppo BDP-105 Volume Control?
I suggest you review the web site named "Unofficial OPPO BDP-103 Frequently Asked Questions". See:http://watershade.net/wmcclain/BDP-103-faq.htmlIt contains some very useful infuriation about the Oppo 105. For example, see sections named Are there... 
Need Small Monitor for Oppo 105
I just auditioned the Oppo 105 and liked it very much. It is an amazing unit and does everything I need it to do. My monitor problem is also solved since I will replace two units (Ayre CD player and Internet tuner) with the Oppo 105. I plan on usi... 
Need Small Monitor for Oppo 105
My shelf is 14.5 inches high. The Oppo 105 is 5 inches high. The means I need a small monitor with hdmi connections less than 8 inches high. Does this sound about right? 
Music server install: internet over electric lines
Sarcher30: Yes, you are correct that I could run an Ethernet cable from my home office router to my living room tuner but I prefer not to. The Ethernet cable would have to be installed on an outside wall and I prefer not to do this. The use of Eth... 
Music server install: internet over electric lines
Yes, my Magnum Dynalab 809t Internet tuner has been connected to the Internet using an Ethernet over power connection for many months (internet over your existing power lines). It has proven to be a very reliable connection. Connection problems ar... 
Anyone still use iPod for music storage anymore?
What model iPod do you recommend? What USB cable do you suggest for connecting the iPod to the DAC? I assume you use iTunes to manage the albums, correct? Memory? 
Comments on Oppo 105 for 2 channel audio system
Thanks. Any comments on the sound quality of the Oppo 105? 
Comments on Oppo 105 for 2 channel audio system
Gz3827: Regarding #2, the Seagate connects to the Oppo 105 via the USB port. 
From separates to reciever?
I also have gone from separates to an integrated amplifier. If this is a 2 channel audio system, I would strongly suggest an integrated amplifier. In my home theater system, I am using the Ayre AX-7e integrated amplifier and not a receiver. If you... 
Pioneer Elite BDP-33FD upgrade crashed my unit
Pioneer emailed me that they are sorry to hear of the problem I am having with my BDP33FD. However, Pioneer does not have known issues of the bluray firmware update for the BDP33FD that can cause the bluray player to fail if performed correctly. S... 
Pioneer Elite BDP-33FD upgrade crashed my unit
Hevac1: Thanks for the great suggestion to download the older software version. I have given up on my Pioneer BDP-33FD blu ray player and will spend no more time with it. I have already purchased the Sony BDP-S790 Blu Ray player and it is much bet... 
Class A integrated Luxman L590AX vs Accuphase e560
I own the Luxman L-590ax integrated amplifier and like it very much. For me, the music is fuller, has more detail and has great bass control. I am hearing many more things than I did with the Ayre AX-7e amp (previous amp). The mid range is outstan... 
Pioneer Elite BDP-33FD upgrade crashed my unit
As noted above, I emailed Pioneer Customer Support today notifying them of these firmware upgrade issues. I know the warranty is long past but Pioneer should repair my unit for free since their firmware upgrade crashed my unit. My unit should last... 
Pioneer Elite BDP-33FD upgrade crashed my unit
Hevac1: Thanks for the suggestion. I already tried copying the firmware upgrade to my computer and then to a CD. It stopped working after 45% of the install was completed. I tried this method twice using two different disks and got the same result... 
Has anyone bought the OPPO 105 and has an opinion
Tubegroover: Thanks for your comments. I agree that comparing side by side is the only way to decide but I am not going to do that. I am going to keep my Ayre CX-7eMP and listen to the music. The Ayre sounds very good to my ears.