
Responses from hgeifman

Krell Moves to new location
@bulldogger, I posted the above information on November 22. Since that post, I have heard NOTHING from Krell Industries, have not emailed Krell and am no longer paying attention to Krell Industries. >>>> It is VERY disappointing that ... 
My Comments on the Infigo Audio IS-1 Signature Streamer
FYI: The Infigo Audio IS-1 Streamer Cryogen model utilizes its Intel Quad 8-Core CPU. The system reserves 3 CPU cores for ROON, 1 for audio, 1 for processing and 1 for the user interface. The other 5 cores are in use for the operating system. This... 
The Krell mystery
@thecarpathian, I posted the information below the ===== on the above Audiogon forum post on November 22. Since that post, I have heard NOTHING from Krell Industries and am no longer paying attention to Krell Industries. >>>> It is V... 
Which Jazz Artist’s Influenced your Musical Taste?
I like Pat Metheny.   I have many albums that are my favorites.  But some are more favorites than others. How do you keep track of the albums you really like?     
Audiovana disconnects from Qobuz after several days of nonuse
See useful Audiovana information below: Audirvana offers an Autoplay feature that automatically continues playing similar music after an album ends. To disable this and stop playback after an album finishes:  1. Go to Settings  2. Navigate to... 
Qobuz will not work with new iphone
@rsmith73, If your Qobuz app on your new iPhone is only playing 30-second samples, even though you have a valid yearly subscription, it might be due to an account or app issue. Here are some steps you can try: 1. Verify Subscription: Ensure your... 
Audiovana disconnects from Qobuz after several days of nonuse
My QoBuz login issue is solved and everything is working. Please see response below (in quotes) from Qobuz. ”Thank you for bringing this to our attention and for your patience while we address your concerns. ​ Looks like there was a temporary iss... 
Lampizator Golden Gate R2R vs Delta Sigma
  @gabriel123, I searched and found the following info that you might find interesting.  HOWEVER, as I said above, it is the implementation of the technology that makes the great sound. Your choice depends on your personal preference of what sou... 
Lampizator Golden Gate R2R vs Delta Sigma
@gabriel123, One more thing. It is not the technology (R2R, Delta-Sigma, DSD) that makes a DAC sound great. It is the implementation of that technology that makes the DAC sound great. And, of course, the synergy of all your components including t... 
Lampizator Golden Gate R2R vs Delta Sigma
@gabriel123, I am sorry but I cannot really answer your question. As I stated above, I switched back and forth for 2-weeks and felt the R2R Setting sounded better BUT ALSO FELT the difference between R2R and Delta-Sigma DACs was VERY SUBTLE rathe... 
Lampizator Golden Gate R2R vs Delta Sigma
@gabriel123, ​​​​​ I own the Bricasti M21 DAC. My DAC has a 24-bit delta sigma DAC, a 20-bit ladder DAC and true 1 bit DSD for DSD content. The front panel contains the settings to select what option you want. I switched back and forth between ... 
My Comments on the Infigo Audio IS-1 Signature Streamer
@v-fi, +1, I agree that "There are good reasons for both approaches and neither works for everybody. And that’s perfectly fine”. There is no right answer since everyone’s components, room, environment and ears are different. I also agree that som... 
Audirvāna News - Antipodes and 3D Lab with Audirvāna inside their music servers.
I do not understand and must be missing something. The above post says “ This delay is due to the need for Audirvana to develop a compatible version for Linux, which Antipodes servers utilize”. I am running Audiovana on my Infigo Audio IS-1 strea... 
Audirvāna News - Antipodes and 3D Lab with Audirvāna inside their music servers.
@ricred1, The email I received from Audiovana said “ An upcoming software release from both companies will soon include Audirvāna linux core player app. So Audirvāna will run directly in their music servers and network players”. It said nothing ab... 
Bryston BR-20 screws
Maybe the Owl Tools Robertson Square Head Screwdriver Set (5 Pack in the Following Sizes: #0, #1, #2, #3, and #4) Forged Steel with Magnetic Tips & Soft Ergonomic Handle available from Amazon. In any case, I suggest you take your Bryston unit...