Responses from hiendmuse
VPI rimdrive squeaks No Stringreen, I'm not using pointed solid feet. I'm using flat plates made by Symposium Acoustics, which mate beautifully to the bottom of the motor assembly above and the Symposium Ultra shelf the plates sit on below. These plates made a real im... | |
VPI rimdrive squeaks Rateourmover, I have my super scoutmaster rimdrive reference table sitting on a symposium ultra shelf, and I use the symposium point pods below the motor assembly. Symposium made be 2 sets, each consisting of 2 pods, one on top of the other, which... | |
VPI rimdrive squeaks I converted my SuperScoutmaster to Reference with rimdrive when the rimdrive first came out, and have not had any problems with squeaking or noise, it runs silently. My thought is that the contact pressure of rimdrive to platter is too high. I adj... | |
Isolation /platform for TW Raven One Symposium Acoustics Ultra Shelf is great for turntables! I have one under my Super Scoutmaster with rimdrive and it is truly excellent. Tighter bass, better focus, soundstage and imaging. symposiumusa.com | |
Record-playing Rituals? absolutely. I do if for the halibut. But before I make a bass out of myself, tunality between brands affects the scales of performance. Some people may flounder when first trying this, but they will shout 'holy mackeral' when hearing the sharking ... | |
Record-playing Rituals? I open a can of solid white Bumble Bee packed in water and sprinkle a little bit on my tonearm. Why? I want the best tone-a quality. {;>) | |
Cartridge for the JMW 10.5i I use Lyra Titan-i on my Super Scoutmaster with rimdrive and 10.5i tonearm with excellent results- very musical, dynamic, very quiet in the groove, and tracks very well at 1.72 grams. I used the Mint LP protractor to align this cart. Whatever cart... | |
vpi super SSM rim drive vs grand prix monaco Tompoodie, just wanted to clarify something: The Gingko platform was excellent with the standard Super Scoutmaster with beltdrive, but does not work well with the rimdrive due to it causing the tonearm to wobble. If you get the Symposium Acoustics... | |
vpi super SSM rim drive vs grand prix monaco I have the Super Scoutmaster with Rimdrive and 10.5i arm fitted with a Lyra Titan-i. I upgraded from the original Super Scoutmaster, adding the superplatter, special feet, 10.5i arm, and rimdrive. This is a wonderful sounding package that I have n... | |
Are anti-cable interconnects properly shielded? Thank you for all of your answers! Great information which I will mull over and consider as I move forward in tweaking my system. | |
Which cleaning solution do you use in you RCM? Thank you Markd51 and all who have contributed. All good information, with varying results from different cleaning products. I prefer using a one step process with no rinse, and use Buggtussel when faced with a record with potential mold or fungus... | |
VTA adjustment for VPI 10.5i tonearm I'll try that. I was making pretty small changes, not nearly as much as you suggested. A large adjustment in VTA can affect VTF, so I'm aware that this has to be checked. Thanks for your input! | |
VTA adjustment for VPI 10.5i tonearm Thanks again for your responses, all useful information. I started experimenting last night, slightly raising and lowering VTA and listening with a friend. I do not obsess over it, just want to maximize the sound quality for best overall sound qua... | |
VTA adjustment for VPI 10.5i tonearm Thank you both for your suggestions. I'll try sighting along the headshell instead of the armtube. | |
Anybody have the Feickert Adjust + program? Thank you iSanchez. Do you know the price in US dollars? Have you used it yet, and if so, was it relatively user-friendly? thank you! |