Responses from ho72
Steam cleaning records 2 Be certain to do a double blind test...Right. All I want is something better that the distilled I've been buying at Walmart. I'll let someone else do the Consumer Report. :) | |
Steam cleaning records 2 In the quest for an affordable rinse agent, I found thishttp://www.expressmedicalsupplies.com/nerl-high-purity-water-p-28364.htmlIt's a step below the NERL REAGENT GRADE WATER, but the cost is less than half. An analysis can be found herehttp://ww... | |
Steam cleaning records 2 I referenced the McCulloch in my post on 1-15-09 as a possible contender. FWIW, Home Depot has them for less. I am also interested in how this unit performs.Do your duty, R3w2000, go get one of those suckers and tell us about it! | |
Need help setting overhang on the Technics SL-1200 Hi Bob,I didn't mean to imply that the steps I took are specific to my gear. They apply to most turntable and cartridge combos, and certainly to the Technics tables that we have.For example, when you set the VTF (vertical tracking force) at the ou... | |
Need help setting overhang on the Technics SL-1200 I just set mine today (1210 with a AT 440mla in a Sumiko headshell) using a similar protractor to the Vinyl Engine Baerwald design. The results are definitely different than you would attain with the overhang jig.Be prepared to spend some time get... | |
Steam cleaning records 2 Speaking of which...After having some really bad lint issues with microfiber cloths I bought at Lowes, I've been on the lookout for something else. So, I was in Walmart on Sunday and I found thishttps://www.cleantools.net/WebSite/productDesc.aspx?... | |
Steam cleaning records 2 Errata:Both units are rated at 1000W.The Shark has the Viton o-ring on the filler cap, not the WG.The WG is UL listedI think that concludes my list of screw-ups and omissions. | |
Steam cleaning records 2 OK, here's a mini review of the new Walgreens Living Solutions steamer vs. the Shark Hard Surface Steam Cleaner.Physically, the steamers are very similar, leading me to conclude that they were either built in the same factory or factory A stole th... | |
Steam cleaning records 2 I just bought a Shark today. I plan to compare it to the "new" Walgreens steamer tomorrow. Just from a cursory once-over, I'm thinking they both came from the same factory in China. We'll see what happens at the face-off...Depending on how things ... | |
Steam cleaning records 2 The Shark is on my short list, Jahnewnoise (the real one, not the bottle). Also of interest is a McCulloch unithttp://tinyurl.com/7zv3olI'm hopeful a winner will emerge from those choices. | |
Steam cleaning records 2 Thanks Crem, your unselfish sharing of your experiences led me to try what would have been unimaginable (to me, anyway) only a few short weeks ago.I lament the passing of the Perfection steamer, but I am going to give Walgreens new offering (Livin... | |
Steam cleaning records 2 Yeah, no RCM here although I'm scouring the thrift stores for an old TT. I think 1 minute of steam or so might get the job done it the record were turning. Also, I think I've located a store that sells some form of the Shark so I'll stop by tomorr... | |
Steam cleaning records 2 NOTE: I attempted to post this yesterday and was informed that I am restricted to a 750 word limit. I then posted a truncated version (three words) which apparently failed to amuse the moderator. So here, once more, is the full version. If it cuts... | |
Steam cleaning records 2 One other question/thought:Has there been a history of flame wars in this forum? The requirement for every post to be reviewed and approved by a moderator (and the subsequent, lengthy delay involved) seems like an arrangement best suited to misbeh... | |
Steam cleaning records 2 Thanks. On my way home today I stopped at yet another Walgreens and found that they are now carrying a steamer under a new name, "Living Solutions". Is it any good? Well, I intend to find out since I just bought one. I have a few more things to ga... |