
Responses from howie

SACD VS Vinyl for Jazz and Classical
Thanks for the responses guys. Ya the problem is that I do want to have the ability to play vinyl and not be restricted on that front. But of cousre I can also make use of the money saved. It's one reason why I've been sitting on the fence for so ... 
Audiogon "SACD's TO DIE FOR" list
I don't know about substantial improvement but Telarc Mahlers are a lot of fun. Bernstein on Sony is really good. Actually a lot of Sony Classical reissues are pretty good. Bruno's recordings aren't that great sounding IMO but the music is worth i... 
SACD VS Vinyl for Jazz and Classical
Well I'm not selling my SACD player or anything. But there are few good reasons for me to want to get into vinyl. 1) There are quite a few jazz recordings that are on cd and vinyl but not yet on SACD (don't know if it'll ever be). Since I want to ... 
EMM LABS sacd vs cd
Yes you've finally come to your senses! :D SACD does the holographic surround effect with 2CH that redbook can't match. Not sure whether that's realistic but it's fun nevertheless. 
SACD player with variable output.
The Emmlabs DCC2 apparantly has a worldclass preamp section. That might be your best option. 
How Important Is The Cdp?
The recordings themselves are causing you the majority of the problems. In SOTA systems, bad recordings tend to be more listenable but there are some that will sound harsh in any system. Try moving the acoustic treatments that you have directly be... 
Paradigm Studio 60/100 v3 for music/HT
I've owned a pair of 60s V1 for many years. I do not know how low they are suppose to go. I think they're rated to go down to about mid 40s but I felt they go lower than that. They really pump out good bass so bass will always feel strong. But go ... 
Speaker cable vs. interconnect cable length
Just get decent cables. I wouldn't worry so much about interconnect length. In my experience, a 3ft IC will be noticeably better than one that is 20ft. But it's not like the sound deteriorated into something unbearable. In fact, you'll probably lo... 
Speaker cable vs. interconnect cable length
Go with short speaker cables and long interconnects. 
Anybody using a DVD scaler?
I don't have one. But I've heard the DVDO stuff is generally pretty good for the money. Most people who have it have or plan to have SDI mods I would assume. 
Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage?
From reading articles about Sonus Faber, I hope they've made a concerted effort to train a new breed of cabinet makers. That kind of cabinet making skill is going to become a lost art very soon. 
Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage?
I believe the Stradivari's would be priced at around $26K-30K over in some overseas markets. Considering that everything made here is about double the price overseas. Shipping alone should slap on $1000 each! Then you have customs and taxes, distr... 
DarTZeel NHB-108 Is this the best amp ever?
Thankyou Jonathan for supplying us with this information. I have heard from other reliable sources as well, that they are indeed restructuring and everyone is just waiting for the announcement. Maybe Trump was right. It's more of a legal mechanism... 
Keep equipement or trade?
Jmcgrogan2. Besides the financial issue of raising your kids and saving up for education and retirement, I just can't imagine myself marrying a wife that would let me have a dedicated room where I can sit for hours (even an hour or two) without be... 
DarTZeel NHB-108 Is this the best amp ever?
Brian, you must really enjoy your transformations into a troll whenever the subject of tenor amplifiers come up. But I'll take the bait. Many companies were and are on the verge of bankrupcy (some become known some don't; some gets rescued while s...