
Just received the below article in my Google links:


initial gut reaction was something along the lines of "oh for crying out loud, leave it alone, this isn’t needed". They state their mission is to rival Qobuz and Tidal.

I’m not sure there’s enough room in the marketplace, what with Qobuz, Tidal (post-MQA), Spotify, Amazon etc; but who knows. That's without  even getting into the whole MQA debacle



@mahler123 it's difficult not to be cynical about all of this, for the reasons you've alluded to. It seemed to me a cynical attempt, as you say, to "headlock"  hardware manufacturers by puffing up the need/creating a market for a product that was not really solving a problem they claimed, as it didn't exist. Whether MQA sounded better or not is neither here nor there

Another issue I found difficult to swallow the first time around was the claim that MQA files were lifted from original masters, which I found difficult to comprehend/believe (Neil Young certainly wasn't buying it).

Is anyone actually cross shopping a Lenbrook product with a non-Lenbrook product now filled with anxiety for FOMO if they choose a different product? For most who frequent this forum, I would sibmit this isn’t a thing. For those who wish to remain true to the source, that ship sailed when the wax cylinder was introduced, never to return. Recorded sound is a facsimile, one we all enjoy to varying degrees, but a facsimile nonetheless. Enjoy the music in whatever way pleases you.

I thought every audiophile owned a BlueSound product. 🤪

only a very small portion of my playlists are MQA. I might go through and note which are MQA. So I either find it in a different format or on Qobuz or I just won’t listen. I’m wondering if MQA was so hot because it gave us the abuility to listen to very High Rez on a lower bandwidth. Now internet services are so fast at home and on my portable products it really doesn’t matter. Also, Maybe this is why Tidal lowered their prices so they don’t lose every single customer. I man all of them. 
Im sure we will all survive. 

Friendly reminder facts 


1. The native sample and bit rate of the mastering session is the best quality that any product could ever be

2. MQA is sonically distorted and lossy.  Might be subjectively preferable distortion or might not, but it's definitely distorted.


3. MQA is not master quality. (See 1.)  MQA is not authenticated. It's almost always bulk processed. 

I wonder what audiophiles will say about the cassette tape format that is coming back. I am sure the talk will focus on how badly it sounds.