
Responses from ig40

What is Paypal charging you?
Ed sawyer... Where have you been looking? PayPal DOES publish their customer service number right on their web site under HELP. 1-888-221-1161. 
Selling speakers here at Audiogon
You need to go directly to the www.fedex.com or www.ups.com to get the actual rates. Make sure you add for residential delivery and insurance. 
What is Paypal charging you?
Sure. You need 2 e-mail addresses and 2 banks accounts. Best of both. 
What amp to pair with ARC LS15 and Magnepan 1.6s
Audio Research 100.2Rogue Magnum 120's or 150'sHad them with your set up...can't go wrong. 
upgrading caps -- easy to do?
Do yourself a big favor and call Jeff at www.soniccraft.com. This man knows his caps. He will walk you through the upgrade process and save you some $$$ in the end. 
Maggie 1.6 - Best Amp? Thinking about tubes.
2nd the Rouge Magnum 120's 
What's A Mint Alphason HRS 100S Tone Arm Worth??
BlueBook is as follows:High: $260.00Low: $140.00Last: $260.00Average: $210.00 
What qualities do you look for in a good amp?
Look for an amp that doubles it power (watts) as the ohms are halved. This is a sign of a stable amp that will drive almost any speaker load. IE:200 watts @ 8 ohms400 watss @ 4 ohms800 watss @ 2 ohms etc.,etc.Like Rockvirgo said, the heavier the a... 
Tube Phono Preamp ? ? ?
Look into a AES PH-1 from www.audioelectronicsupply.com. AES is a division of Cary Audio. They list for $600.00 assembled and $400.00 in kit form. They don't come up for sale that often used, and when they do, they are gone in a few days. 
ARC LS15 owners comment /upgrade?
Put in a call to Jeff at www.soniccraft.com.It will be an education in caps and well worth your time. 
Audio Research CD2:anybody had the same problems?
That does not sound like the ARC service I know of. I always found them very helpful and polite. Maybe someone had a bad day? Anyway, call back and ask for Leonard or Chris in the Tech department...they will help you. 
Any good amp/pre-amp kits out there?
Try www.transcendentsound.com 
Which solid state amp loves a 4 ohm load?
Audio Research 100.2 www.audioresearch.com/M100_2SPA.html100 into 8200 into 4360 into 2Works great with Magnepans (4 ohm load) 
Audio Research 150.2 Class T Digital Amp
Thanks to all for your responces. 
What to do with Acrylic Platter?
I'm sure you could think of a few places where they could put those platters.....then,find another shop that know's what they are doing!