
Responses from inna

Comprimises - How do you approach making equipment compromises
I'll just touch on a few points. Good sound is always naturally warm and detailed, never analytical. Analytical is coloration by omission.  I don't spend much on this hobby, I set an approximate figure that I can spend per year on average. $10k ... 
When was the last time when serious new instrument was invented ?
AI will replace musicians only if it also replaces us. In all other scenarios it will not. However, this real computer revolution is coming, what we have now is child toys, the very beginning. I don't want to even think about it.  
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
stuartk, I see, it is more complicated. In any case, I am against slavery, to put it mildly, including being a slave of one's own wishes. Anyway, moving to a bigger house would be quite a system upgrade. Just a bit extreme and definitely very exp... 
I certainly wouldn't want free in-home audition or even extensive at-store audition. I believe, dealer's time and effort should be paid for. Question is how much.  
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
If I am not mistaken there was never slavery in New England. This doesn't mean there never will be. Those people from MA come to NH and buy up the whole areas. They are not welcome, you know. It started many years ago and will continue.  
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
What listening room size and shape do you consider best ? I guess, it should be quite big but not huge.  
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
Yeah, Burlington VT and surroundings, two hours from Montreal, I think. Montreal is certainly thought of as the most European city outside Europe. Two record stores in Littleton ? Maybe it is a "hipsteria" but still a good sign overall, I suppose... 
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
Not necessarily, most just want to be able to escape the world when they feel like it and then come back. gryslibutter, I used to live in Concord NH, so, yes, I was in Littleton at least once. I took scenic drives in White Mountains from time to ... 
Looking for... Integrated tube amp with phono
Accuphase Class A perhaps. No, you won't find substitute for tubes in it either, but this is higher level than Luxman and I think with optional phono stage and DAC it's got all the features that you would like to have. I myself certainly would ge... 
Hardware or source materail
This is not a simple question to answer in general terms, if possible at all. My instinct says to first improve the source, this includes and can be the first step to get the best quality records/discs possible. Yes, your cartridge needs upgrading... 
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
grislybutter, it's Connecticut, not too far from NYC.  
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
Bill, I have similar taste, even though I’ve never lived in a grand house. And I don’t like small rooms either. Last year I got lucky to rent a big 1800 sf two bedroom two floor apartment in a late 19th century building for a reasonable price. It... 
Your Most Prominent Audio Component
You say what ?  
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
So, to answer my own question, no I would not move just for that but would take it into consideration. Had to pass that Vermont opportunity - too far away and too expensive to build a proper house there.  
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
Recently saw $40k small house in Vermont with 50 acres of woods included. No electricity, though, or other utilities. Could be a great project for someone. You could build big there. Deep Maine has interesting offerings too. And that's just New En...