Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?

Let's see how crazy we are.


@jonwolfpell If it's somewhere on the Cape, I would consider applying for the butler or chef position (don't ask for references)

I bought my town-home in 2005 mainly because it is built on a slab and my 3 Thorens turntables no longer shake, rattle, and roll like they did before. Makes listening to vinyl a lot more pleasurable....no need to tip-toe through the tulips anymore. Not quite an answer to the original question on this thread, but I think everyone will see the relevance. The things we'll do for audio Nirvana......

If I am not mistaken there was never slavery in New England. This doesn't mean there never will be. Those people from MA come to NH and buy up the whole areas. They are not welcome, you know. It started many years ago and will continue.


Conversations about slavery in the United States frequently center on the South and the Civil War. Yet the roots of slavery in the New World go much deeper than that—back to the original British colonies, including the northernmost in New England. Although New England would later become known for its abolitionist leaders and its role in helping formerly enslaved Southern blacks and those escaping slavery, the colonies had a history of using enslaved and indentured labor to create and build their economies.


Regarding the main topic, if my wife and I were to move, a high priority for me would be to find a home far better suited to audio -- whether a dedicated room or a living room with fewer inherent problems. It would be nice to look forward to this but I can’t say whether it will ever happen. for now, I have to work with what I’ve got.



stuartk, I see, it is more complicated. In any case, I am against slavery, to put it mildly, including being a slave of one's own wishes.

Anyway, moving to a bigger house would be quite a system upgrade. Just a bit extreme and definitely very expensive unless you move to the middle of nowhere.